Jan 30, 2009 12:51
Bed times this week: Tuesday: 1:30am
Wensday: 8.15pm
Thursday: 6:30pm
You see a pattern there, Y/Y?
Without my xbox being online all the time and no laptop cause I had to wait for a replacement charger to be posted to me, I suddenly found myself sleeping really early. Yesterday was nuts, I was going to go on my xbox but just went to sleep that early. I missed tea and everything cause I was that bored. *face!plam* At least I'm not tired anymore, and is happy as during the time Ryan recovered and is now happily being treated with a tea-towel bed (I haven't the heart to remove it after that's what I put him to sleep in on tuesday when I didn't think he was gonna make it), food treats, and extra attention.
I'm still going to keep an eye on him, just in case. But, I think he will be fine... I hope he will be. The week before I had commented on how he'd be my last hamster but the state I got myself into I think he wouldn't have been. 3 hours of crying while you hold your hamster who isn't breathing or moving properly isn't the best way to fall asleep.
My fingers are extremely cold... as soon as they warm up, it's back to writing Top Howl from where I left it. Or my english coursework since I got good praise for it the other day which made me really happy. Seems it isn't going to be buchtured this time!
lack of laptop makes jo grumpy,