Yuletide 2010!

Nov 13, 2010 20:11

My dear Author, thank you for doing this for me! It seriously makes the holiday season even better.

Now on to the requests.

Here's what I've written in my request form:

Vampire Diaries TV: I love the dynamic between the two brothers. I would love a story which explores their relationship either in the present or the past or even the future. For example, in the show we are told that their interaction up until now has been hateful and antagonistic; mainly Damon trying to bug Stefan by showing up and causing havoc. However, now they seem to be working together and actually be in fairly good terms. Why hasn't anyone comment on that? Or how about a story on Damon causing said havoc? I love all the characters in VD so feel free to include Elena, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler or any one else you like. I'd rather not have incest, though.

I don't think I have anything to add at the above, just to stress out that I'm fairly easy and anything will do.

Lord Peter Wimsey series. The moment I read The Nine Tailors, I thought the Hilary Thorpe and Saint-George would be great for each other, so maybe a story about them meeting in Oxford?

I know that there are some indications that Dorothy Sayers meant to kill the young boy in WWII but in my world he lives happily ever after. His heart is in the right place; he just needs to get some perspective. Enter Hilary Thorpe, who, I think, needs some laughter in her life and it's an interesting story.

True Blood (Eric and Sookie). I love the interaction between those two so anything that hopefully involves tones of banter and/or hot sex! I would prefer if the basic timeline of the show is kept; that is not an AU.

Just a heads up. I haven't read the books, so the storyline I like kept is the show's only. However if you want to use some parts of the books feel free. I've read the synopses' and I'm fairly certain I can keep up.

RPF - Misc Actors (Kate Winslet - Leonardo DiCaprio). I would love a story where there's much much angst and on and off sex and guilt. Or a story with banter and humor. I know they're complete opposites but I'm weird like that.

I'm not some weird fangirl that has seen Titanic 300 times and wants the two stars together. In fact I've never thought of them together until I saw a Golden Globe ceremony where it was very clar that the two of them are very close. And then it hit me. They're friends! They're hot! They have to have sex. Ok, yes. I am a weird fangirl. Just a different kind.

So.... that was it. I just want to thank you again for doing this and eagerly expecting my present.

Much much love,
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