Finals are next week and I felt guilty for not studying, so I decided to stay home on a Friday night to work.. yeah, not gonna happen, so I might as well write in here I guess!
I realize my last post was kind of boring (sad, since it's supposed to be representative of my personality haha!), so I'll try to make this one more cheerful, by talking about fun stuff and by posting LOTS of pictures and videos!
So you readers (aka no one.. HA) might have noticed the "gym" part of my username and wondered hmm, is she actually a gymnast? Sadly, the answer is no (unless you count all those years of rec gym in a shitty gym that didn't even have a vaulting table, but hasn't everyone done that?), but I am a big fan. Actually, whenever a big meet is coming up, fangirl might be a better term.. yep, I'm like that. Seriously though, people watch it once every four years and say they love it, which is fine too, but I follow it all year round, every year, which is even better because then you get the huge build up to Worlds or to the Olympics and it's even more exciting! I don't really know anyone who's into as much as I am because gymnastics isn't exactly a big deal in Quebec, but I keep telling my friends about it and they pretend to be interested, and that's why I love them. :) Gymnastics is like football, except harder; it's seriously underestimated as a sport, if you ask me (then again I might be biased). Like it or not, teenagers who train 35 to 40 hours a week on top of going to school are impressive, especially since they can do this :
Or this :
Or this (look at the pretty form!) :
And hit routines like this one when a national or world title is on the line :
Click to view
(This gymnast is Bridget Sloan, American national and world all-around champion in 2009. She may not be the best nor the most entertaining gymnast ever, but for some reason (mostly her pretty form) I really like her gymnastics!)
NCAA and international gymnasts are very interesting as well, so expect, dear readers, posts on that later on.
Until then, good night (I know it's 9 PM, shut up)!
***Oh, and I just found such pretty icons from Glee, I just had to mention it here.. perfect to start my collection! I do plan on figuring out Photoshop during Christmas break if I'm going to do this LJ thing right, but until then, I'm so glad I found these! Isn't Mark Salling gorgeous? :)