It truly has been a while huh?

Sep 21, 2008 20:48

Like heck yes it has been.

So uh, I feel I've been working MUCH MUCH harder this college semester. My last college semester I got both A's, and good gosh I wore myself out yesterday working on Trig problems, and I AM READY TO TAKE ON THE WORLD BABEH.

Of course, I kinda don't lurk forums so much anymore cause there are so much n00bs and tards and of course, trolls, and it just gets to me. I lurk the LJ communities I watch though, and Youtube and other sites quite a bit.

Also, if I get a B or an A on this upcoming test, Mom will let me buy a Nintendo DS or Sony PSP game (she won't allow buying of PS2 games yet, that's the only actual CONSOLE I have. Yup, still too poor to afford a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii (THOSE PRICES KEEP RISING LIKE CRAZY DAMIT) OR the HDTV required for the first and second consoles. It's kind of a long story about the whole game buying business). So maybe I'll FINALLY be able to buy Crisis Core if mom lets me (she is strict e.e; ) AND hopefully I can pre-order Star Ocean: First Departure for PSP. Gawd, I want that game more than anything else.

Meh, I should call it a day soon.

Also, I got a new laptop with Vista. It's nice but it crashes sometimes e.e;
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