Because forest exploration is fun, and because someone has to start doing this!

Aug 07, 2011 22:02


The hills behind the academy, it was known, were where the forest began. At day, it was most likely a pretty nice place for walks - it was near the academy, after all, and most likely often visited by students on break.

At night, it felt somewhat differently. Less safe - in the moonlight, one could stumble over the roots, there were the noises of the animals in the underbrush, and, of course, the darkness itself.

This all was why Sheyla had picked the place, wearing a more casual, long-sleeved dress, a harmless doll sitting on her head.
She had noticed that her abilities had strengthened by quite a lot ever since she entered the island, which was...odd in her eyes. What was so special here? She would have to find out. And she would have to experiment with her abilities as well.

After making sure she was not being watched, she spread her arms, summoning more and more dolls. Each huddled in grey cloth, masking them - after all, they were miniature versions of herself.
And then she sent them off, in different directions. They moved swiftly through the forest, inspecting, always careful.

Only two remained behind - the one on her head, and one several steps in front of her. She used it to check the ground she would soon after step on, allowing her to know the ground and step safely through the nightly forest.

[OOC: Probably not that great to tag unless your character's doing forest walks, too! They can have Sheyla walk on them, or can get stalked by a doll. The dolls are huddled in cloaks of ripped fabric, like a bunch of tiny, creepy cultists, and are trying to be stealthy, to make it hard to notice they're not just animals skittering through the trees. They'll stalk anything that seems out of the ordinary.]

sheyla tanaka

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