Neural Wave Technology: Historical Reflection

Jun 17, 2013 09:13

In the 1960s Australian academic D. M. Armstrong speculated on the possibility of an underlying physical principle for telepathic phenomena. At the time that he made that speculation, the macro phenomenon of brain waves was well known. The micro phenomenon of the Frohlich effect was not as well publicized but it was manifested in infrared photography and in the use of night vision goggles. Holographic projection was also perfected with the use of a coherent light source. All of the elements needed for neural wave technology had been developed by the time I entered grade school. Philip K. Dick may well have been one of the earliest civilian test subjects of military neural wave applications in the years before I attended college. He wrote about phenomena that can be explained by neural wave technology.

People who know nothing about neural wave phenomena can be easily deceived by someone using a neural wave machine. Philip K. Dick did not conceive of such a device as a source of his experience. He projected the cause to some divine agency. He was unaware of the hand of Caesar at work. This is also the case for people who have been deceived into thinking that they heard a divine voice when what they heard was a human professing to be divine. Had they known about neural wave machinery they would have realized that someone was playing material Creator using an electromechanical contraption.

The scientific literature is full of reasons to be skeptical about the level of neural wave development. It is as if the scientific community is scared to death about letting the cat out of the bag. There is also a certain level of territoriality evident in neural research that rejects findings that jeopardize the narrow domain of synaptic studies and the futile search for chemical agency. Neural wave phenomena put the lie to the false assumptions of biochemical determinism and their religiously dedicated adherents in the neural research community. Small minded people like John Eccles have pointed to a lack of mathematical sophistication necessary in order to escape from the synaptic cave of illusion.

Neural wave machinery may seem diabolical because of the way that military minded people have developed the technology. It has been abused in the past and it will be abused in the future. That is no reason to hate it or to vainly attempt to outlaw it. The capacity of the technology to improve the human condition cannot be measured. Like fire it can warm things up to a comfortable level, but it can also heat things up to the point of destruction. The military prefers the latter category of applications, but they fear that the former category will render their jobs obsolete.
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