All I Want for Christmas (Is You) - Christmas Wrapping

Dec 17, 2015 11:13

Title: Christmas Wrapping
Author: sophia_clark
Word Count: 946
Characters/Pairings: Draco, Pansy (eventual H/D)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Slytherin scheming.
Summary: Draco and Pansy discuss Draco's Secret Santa gift.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco & Harry Traditional Prompt 16 - Red Christmas decorations, & for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompt - Wrapping Paper. Part sixteen of All I Want for Christmas (Is You). The title for each part will be a different Christmas song/carol, because I love them all! :)

*Once again, sorry this is being posted here late! My sister is now home from school & we're busy getting ready for our mom's bday & Christmas. Hopefully tonight's chapter will be up, well, tonight. ♥

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Part One

Draco looked around his absolute mess of a drawing room with a sigh. He had been wrapping gifts for at least an hour at this point, yet he was still far from finished. Perhaps he had gone just a tad bit overboard with all of the games, books, and toys for Teddy. He knew that he spoiled the boy, but he really could not help it. Every time he went out, he ended up finding something else that he thought Teddy would love, and home it all came. However, looking at the obscenely large pile stacked up next to him on the floor made him think that maybe he should save some of these gifts for Teddy’s next birthday.

He reached for the next toy, a stuffed dragon the exact shade of Harry’s eyes, when the flames in the fireplace suddenly turned bright green. He glanced over a moment later to see Pansy emerging from them, laden down with bags.

"Oh good, I was hoping you were still wrapping. You know I’m dreadful at it, and your gifts always look marvelous." She set her bags down on the floor next to Draco and he rolled his eyes at her.

"You are simply lazy and impatient. And of course I’m still wrapping. I have purchased entirely too many things for Teddy this year."

Pansy snorted. "You always get him way too much. You and Potter try to one-up each other with his gifts every time." She smirked at him from her perch atop his coffee table, sitting half on his favorite white, faux fur runner. "Speaking of whom, what did you get your Chosen One for the Secret Santa?"

Draco narrowed his eyes at her. "How on earth do you know I have Harry?"

"I looked at your cracker that day at the Burrow while you were in the loo."

"You do realize, of course, that a Secret Santa is meant to be a secret?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh please, Draco. You should have known I’d want to know if you got me. It’s really your own fault that you left it just sitting there, begging for me to take a look at it." He huffed as he went back to work wrapping up the little dragon. "So, tell me what you got him. It must be pretty good; you’re blushing."

Draco ignored that last bit and pointed behind her. "That is it right there. I just finished putting it together this morning."

He watched as she reached around his decorative display of berries, pine cones, greenery, and ornaments arranged in the center of the table to pick up the beautiful leather-bound photo album. Inside it was filled mostly with pictures of Teddy, with some of Teddy and Harry or Aunt Andromeda mixed in as well. They were all photos Draco or his mother had taken, so he knew Harry would not have them already.

Pansy arched a sculpted brow at him, looking up from the open book on her lap. "You’re not being very subtle with this, you realize?" He set the roll of wolf-covered wrapping paper he was holding down and looked back at her, unflinching. He was resolute in his decision, no matter what she might have to say about it.

"I am done being subtle, Pans. He spent the entire time we were at the gingerbread houses yesterday staring at either my lips or my arse. He was not exactly being subtle himself. And when Teddy crashed into us when we were all ice skating, I ended up laying on top of him. I was quick to get up before I did something Teddy should not be a witness to, but I swear to Merlin that Harry was hard as well." Pansy opened her mouth as if she were about to interrupt him, so Draco promptly continued. "He wants me too, Pans. I can bloody well see that now. But clearly I am going to have to make the first move."

"So, you figured you’d tap into his sentimental, mushy, Gryffindor nature?" She sent him a rather devious smirk. "I approve."

With a snort, he turned once more to his wrapping. "I wanted to get him something he would enjoy and keep for years to come. Something that would make him think fondly of me whenever he used it. Did you look at the last page yet?"

Pansy shook her head, hastily flipping the pages to the end. The last photo in the album was one Narcissa had taken just this past summer. Harry, Teddy, and Aunt Andromeda had come to the manor one sunny day for a swim in the lake on the grounds. The same lake, in fact, where they had been ice skating just days ago.

Harry was standing on the lush green lawn and holding one of Teddy’s small hands, with Draco gripping the other. All three of them were in their swim trunks, having gotten out of the lake moments before the photo was taken. Harry was smiling beatifically as they began to swing Teddy between them. One could almost hear the little boy’s boisterous laughter through the silent picture.

This was one of Draco’s favorite photos. He used to think this was merely because he and Teddy both looked so happy in it. But lately he had begun to wonder whether the carefree expression on Harry’s face, or perhaps his gorgeous, dripping wet, and sun kissed skin might have something to do with it as well.

"Well? Do you think this gift will serve its purpose?"

Pansy looked up at him from the photo, eyes wide. "Potter isn’t going to know what hit him."


Part Seventeen

advent fic, comm: slythindor100, holiday: christmas, challenge: christmas 2015, rated: pg-13, arc: all i want for christmas, ship: draco/harry, ewe, fandom: harry potter, challenge: 25 days 2015, comm: dracoharry100, era: post-war

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