Sep 16, 2003 11:12
I haven't written in a long time and I'll tell you why. Because every time I go into the computer room I get distracted by this tiny orange thing that hides in the closet. I want to sniff and lick it SO BAD but when I get close she makes this hissing noise and bats her paw, so then I think, yes! She wants to wrestle! But I always get called away before it can happen.
She gets to sit in the window but when I try to go look out the window, Daddy says no and tells me dogs don't belong on tables. It's so not fair.
She teases me. I'll be sitting in the crate, and she rubs on their faces and sits in my chair and sits in the window and meows and runs around and climbs on the back of the couch and I can't do anything. Well, I get to sleep on the bed at night if I'm quiet and she's not. Damn, she's loud and annoying sometimes. Complain, complain, complain. Then she gets shut in the bathroom and I'm secretly glad. Except then I can't sneak in and eat her food.
Really I just want her to play with me and pay attention with me. That really all I want from everyone in the world.