you guys better do this shit or else i'm deleting livejournal. no joke.

Dec 13, 2005 18:04

ohhh snap. i've been tagged.

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" writes "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag, and then go on to leave a tag comment on their LJ.

1. when i eat lucky charms (every day after school), i purposely pour in too much milk, and when i finish my first bowl of cereal, i say "oh wow look at that. there's still milk in there," so i pour some more cereal. and then when i run out of cereal and there's more milk, i pour more cereal and eat it til the milk's gone. it's a little game i play with myself....

2. i have an entire draw under my bed filled with song quotes and aim conversations that would take a good year to read through. i think it's safe to say that i am an obsessive compulsive song quote writer.

3. if i tap my left foot, i have to tap my right foot as well. i like my left side more because i feel like since i don't use it as much (i'm right handed), it needs more attention. sometimes, i'm lame like that :)

4. i talk to myself in my head and laugh at my own jokes. and when i go to say that "funny" joke, i laugh before i come close to finishing it, and ruin the joke. and then no one laughs at the joke. and then i fail at being a joker. boo.

5. i drive alone in the car and get pleasure out of blasting rap and pretending i'm a gangster. so i try to do the ghetto seat-back with one hand on the stearing wheel driving, rap,  and end up looking like a tool instead of a gangster. a-thank you :)

I choose....
keech, ktz, elizabeth, erika s, and emmaaaaaa.
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