Nov 20, 2007 12:45
So I watched the democratic presidential debate the other night and I got to see all of the democrats who were running for president.
I know most, if not all of you, don't really care, but i'm going to give you my run down of them...ladies first
Hillary Clinton
ok, i know everyone says she's like the she-devil but, from what i saw the other night, she's not so bad. they kept asking her question about her "bad political decisions" of the past and i really respected her answers. She admitted that she was wrong in some ways and others, some that aren't as popular, she still stood next to because she believes in them. She's a really good speaker, and I still think she's more of a man than "Mr." Clinton. Honestly, if there were to be a woman president, i think she's the most qualified. oh, and don't give me that crap about you don't want a woman president because they'll make all of these emotional, motherly decisions...hey guys, how good have the testosterone-filled, butch decisions been to us? yeah, exactly.
John Edwards
Totally tool. And when i use the term "tool" i seriously mean it. i think he's one of those candidates that really just want to be president, so he'll adopt the beliefs and stances of the majority, or atleast say he does. i doesn't really seem to believe in the crap that comes out of his mouth. During the debate, there were random people in the audience asking questions. This one lady, the head of some African American Methodist Organization asked how/who they would pick to be judges for the supreme court, more specifically would they choose someone who believes in abortion. Mr Edwards starts talking about civil rights...hmmm....totally going off topic, talking about civil rights to a woman whose a leader in an African American group? Smart, yet so obviously manipulative.
Dennis Kucinich
I just want to put him in my pocket. he's this little, fisty son-of-a-gun. he didn't talk too much, but when he did he made his point and it was always so entertaining.
Barack Obama
Oh is he studly. I don't know if he's just everyone, but he talks about changing things and bringing it back to the people. instead of just coming up with these short-term fixes for all the problems in the government, economy, and environment, he wants to get down to the root of it and fix it there. i mean, it sounds so simple, but why hasn't anyone done it in the past. he seems to really want to change things here on the home front and i think thats really important. not to say that he's going to be a president who just totally ignores foreign affairs, even though he may not know as much about as other candidates. basically, he's a dream boat and at the top of my list...and not just because he's black, but that does help. i gots ta keep with my people. Oh, and his voice is like buttah (butter).
Joe Biden
I had never heard of him before watching the debate but he rubbed me the right way. He's a very strong speaker who has very strong opinions, meaning he knows what he believes and he's not afraid to say it and mean it. I respect it. I still don't know much about him, but I would like to do some investigating.
Mike Gravel
Honestly, I don't even know if he was at the debate, if he was he didn't speak.
Chris Dodd
Again, didn't make much of an impression. He seems like a nice enough guy, but tough enough to be president? i'm not sure.
Bill Richardson
He seems like a pretty decent guy too. Hard to listen to, not as confident as some of the other candidates. He's very green-oriented. Was an ambassador for the UN and was on some energy committee. I'm all for saving the planet and energy, but I can't say i can see him as president.
So far, I don't have any opinions on the republicans, I want to watch the Republican debate to get to know some of may be hard for them to sway me, i'm really liking some of the things i'm hearing from the Democrats...shh, don't tell my mom.