(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 16:42

right..first of all id like to apologise to charlotte for not being able to attend her birthday, and to jo for not visiting her at her house...
the reason was i drank way too much and nearly ended up getting my stomach pumped in hospital.
its all poo's fault. we drank 4 bottles of wine between us, and then also id drunk alot when i was out with laura a few hours before.
pretty much i died..matthew struggled to get me back to his house. the police stopped me and asked if i was ok. i made a total fool of myself. worried matthew and his mummy. and ive been dead inside for the past 2 days.
i feel stupid, embarrassed and am not going to drink for a while. im finding it pretty hard to drink water anyway cuz my body is rejecting everything.
ok..apologies to everyone concerned.
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