Jun 13, 2006 13:09
"Ergh... 2 am?"
"Kayla... I'm at the hospital with your mom."
"She was in a car accident..."
"Oh my god"
"She'll be fine, but we won't be home till late, she hurt her neck."
*Hang up*
Yeah... So I had a very restless sleep waiting for them to come home. I finally succumbed to sleep around 5. They got home at around 6. School sucked. My poor mom... She's in a neck brace. It's kinda hard to look at... I feel so awful. German exams sucked, I kept worrying.
Doctors said she should be fine, she just has to rest. She keeps moving around until she really feels the pain... So stubborn.
So yes, that's what happened to me last night. That and Troy and I got caught in the rain. It was pouring so hard. My poor dog was just dripping wet. We ran back to my place... My dad came home... He was very confused to why Troy was there. He's not too keen on the fact that we're dating again. But I'm so happy... I missed him so much! He's going to Europe for a month this summer... Hopefully it goes by quickly.
I suppose I sound kinda flighty 'cause not too long I said I was obsessed with some guy. I'll explain. Well actually, there isn't much to explain. He was very, very immature. Far too annoying because he didn't know what most words meant. It got frustrating... Now I know how Tina feels with people every day. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! YOU AND YOUR BIG WORDS!"
People are so weird...
-Soozy (-_-)