:) Continued

May 21, 2006 13:16

Saturday was a great day. I got up and went to the pre-departure orientation for EAP, which had two sections, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The morning one was alright, ot was a general orinetation for all countries. It wasn't so useful, but I have several freinds who are also going on EAP (to different places) and so I got to hang out with them. And it ended with a really cute little skit, which is always a good thing.

Then I was going to go to the multi-cultural fair during our little break and get a bite to eat, but realized that I had left my wallet in my dorm room, and didn't have time to go back across campus and fetch it, so I just went to the Denmark orientation.

I was the first one there, then the others started trickling in. There were two freinds from college 8, who are majoring in molecular biology, and another girl from college 8 who is an anthro major, and then two no-shows. And then a beautiful man walked in. Tall, built, dark hair, great eyes, and I was like "YES!!!! I get to spend 4.5 months with that!" But no. He was a returning student who had studied in Denmark earlier and was there to talk to us about his experiences. Damn. Oh well, I'll just have to find cute Danes. And then anoither girl came in who had also studied in Denmark, and they proceeded to talk about their experiences and answer questions and give advice. I thought I was excited before, but now! When I'm alone in any room I start dancing around and chanting "I'm going to Denmark!" It's going to be A.MA.ZING.

Anyways... after that I went back to my room to fetch my wallet and then headed back across campus to the multi-cultural fair, where I ran into someone from Windrush (well... he ran into me. He recognized me, but I couldn't recognize him. He was a few years younger and his name was Nathan). Then I got into the fair and greeted Ron and his new bf, who were running a booth, and then got myself some samosas, which were super good, but super spicy so I was only able to eat 1.5 of them and gave the last bit to Ron. Then I got myself some carne asada and found Linda, who was hanging out with her dancer freinds (she's in a Mexican folkdance group). Then we all went down by the stage and danced to the salsa band, and then attempted to dance to the skaa band that followed it, and found it impossible. After a bit, we left.

Then at night we all got dressed up and went to Porter Prom, which was super fun, and the DJ was good (which deserves stating, because he had DJed at a few dances in the past and he SUCKED at first). Then we went out to Ferrel's Donuts at midnight and I had a glazed buttermilk and a carton of milk before coming home and faling into bed to dream of more donuts, dancing, Denmark and that Dude.
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