Feb 16, 2002 10:09
Okay, this update is for Allison, because she always seems amused by the arsewipes I meet on the road.
The other day I'm sitting at a red light and *gasp* it changes. But wait, that's not the exciting part. The light changes, and this guy in a van beside me drives. Just drives. Regardless of the fact that he had 3 cars in front of him that hadn't moved yet. Oh no, that light had turned green which means he had the right to stomp down on that narrow pedal that graces the right hand side of the floor of his car. You got it. Yes. He drove right into the car behind him. Hard, too. What a dumbass.
Just because they give you a license doesn't mean you know how to drive well. Green light means go, yes, AFTER the people in front of you drive away from your vehicle.
Other than that, shit is excellent with me. I've been keeping busy. Today, I turn 30. I'm mortified.