(no subject)

Nov 20, 2006 23:49

1. My ex is...  one of my best friends
2. I am listening to... Moist playing on iTunes
3. Maybe I should... go to bed soon or check on my laundry
4. I love... what I do for a living
5. My best friend[s]... are wonderful people :-)
6. I don't understand... why this puppy chews on my toes
7. I lose... lots of things, but not as much as last year. I have gotten more organized.. lol
8. People say... Lots of things, they are people, and they say things
9. The meaning of my screen name is...  S from Scott and Ooster from Oosterom, I needed a username
10. Love is... all around me.. and so the feeling grows...
11. Somewhere, someone is...  bitching and complaining about something
12. I will always... a science geek :-p
13. Forever seems... like a long time
14. I never want to... have to substitude teach. EVER!
15. My mobile phone is... cancelled!  HAHAHA Stupid Aliant!
16. When I wake up in the morning...  I just heard the dog bark
17. I get annoyed when... people are snotty, kids won't shut up and when kids are defiant.. ARGH!
18. Parties are... something people claim I need to do more often.
19. My fish are... are not plural, cuz I only have one
20. Kisses are the worst when... not had at all
21. Today I... did the maintnance man's job cuz I wanted it done before next year.
22. Tonight I will... be going to sleep
23. Tomorrow I will... have four classes followed by a prep period.
24. I really want... the government computer with my student loan information on it to blow up in some unexpected student loan computer bombing.... Stupid thing.  I gotta pay more of that next week... *cries*
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