Sherlock community links

Aug 02, 2011 23:57

I'm going to put together a list of all of the Sherlock BBC comms on LJ (along with tumblrs and the websites).

Links and resources for other versions and incarnations of Sherlock Holmes can be found at the newbieguide.

Warning: tumblrs may contains spoilers so don't click on them if you're a spoilerphobe.
Don't worry, I have indicated whether a link is a tumblr or not.

Official Sites:
BBC's Sherlock Site
BBC's tie-in blog for Sherlock Holmes
BBC's tie-in blog for John Watson
Louise Brealey's twitter
Louise Brealey's Official Website
Mark Gatiss' twitter
director Paul Mcguigan's twitter
Steven Moffat's twitter
Joe Lidster's twitter, writer for the official
Sue Vertue's twitter

221b_bakerst - LJ's first Sherlock Holmes community. It's the general comm for the fandom (all verses and adaptions).
221bsherlock - general comm for BBC's Sherlock
shock-blanket - general comm for BBC's Sherlock
sherlockbbc - general comm for BBC's Sherlock
Sherlock BBC community [Dreamwidth[dot]org]
sherlock_fans - general comm for BBC's Sherlock

persianslippers - another general SH comm (all verses and adaptions)

settepercento - Italian comm for SH in general (all verses and adaptions)

holmes_ita - Italian comm for SH in general (all verses and adaptions)

sherlock_esp - Spanish comm for BBC's Sherlock

sherlock_de - German comm for BBC's Sherlock
sherlock_fr - French comm for BBC's Sherlock
sherlock-series - Russian comm for BBC's Sherlock

ru_sherlockiana - Russian comm for SH in general (all verses and adaptions)

sherbook - Russian comm for BBC's Sherlock
Another Russian comm for BBC's Sherlock series
Baker Street[dot]org
Sherlockology[dot]com and their tumblr
FuckYeah Sherlock Tumblr

Slash, Het and Gen Specific
cox_and_co - general SH slash comm (all verses and adaptions) [Must be 18+ to join]

221b_slash - slash comm for BBC's Sherlock
sherlockhet - Sherlock: het-based fanworks
violinandwatch - a low-rated (G-PG13) gen and het fanworks community


holmesicons - graphics comm for SH (all verses and adaptions)

sherlockicons - graphics comm for BBC's Sherlock

sherlockstills - icon challenge comm for BBC's Sherlock
221b-icons - another icon comm
sherlock-suomi - Sherlock Suomi
221b_fanmix - Sherlock Holmes Fanmixes (for any and all incarnations)
dailysherlock - One screencap a day for BBC's Sherlock
sherlock_vids - Fanvid comm for BBC's Sherlock
ihasablanket - macros
Texts From Baker Street Tumblr-macros
Sherlock BBC Deviant Art community

imsochangeable - Jim Moriarty appreciation comm
asexy_sherlock - fic, meta, and recs dealing with asexuality and Sherlock
sherlockchagrin - Humorous gen fic comm dedicated to Sherlock being embarrassed, discomfited, or otherwise taken down a notch. [Nothing higher than PG-13] [All incarnations] 
jwatsonmd - general comm for Doctor John Watson (all verses and adaptions)

Fuck Yeah John Watson tumblr
brother_mine - general comm for Mycroft Holmes (all verses and adaptions)

dilestrade - general comm for Inspector G. Lestrade (all verses and adaptions)
Fuck yeah Lestrade tumblr
watsons_woes - comm for Watson hurt/comfort (all verses and adaptions)

mere_appendix- comm for Holmes hurt/comfort (all verses and adaptions)
mycroftpoppins - Mycroft Poppins: a macro story comm
Sherlock Sexual Frustration tumblr
John Watson Sexual Frustration tumblr

sherlock_john - "So, you've got a boyfriend then?"
johnsherlock - comm for the relationship between Sherlock and John from the BBC series (both slash and gen friendly)
221b-4ever - a Sherlock/John "Romantic Movie" Challenge comm
FyeahSherlockAndJohn tumblr
SherlockJohn Tumblr
Fuckyeah JohnSherlock tumblr
Holmes/Watson tumblr [ all incarnations of Holmes/Watson]
sherlestrade - Sherlock/Lestrade
sherlock_irene - Sherlock/Irene
- Sherlock/Irene tumblr [all incarnations]
hooperholmes - Sherlock/Molly
two_holmeses - the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft Holmes
john-lestrade - John/Lestrade
fyeahmystrade - Mycroft/Lestrade
Mycroft/Lestrade tumblr
moriarty-hooper - Jim Moriarty/Molly Hooper
dapperkillers - Jim Moriarty and Seb Moran comm that accepts all Moriarty and Moran pairings
Master/Moriarty: tumblr for the pairing of Jim Moriarty (Sherlock BBC) and The Master (Doctor Who)

221b_after_dark - the darker side of Sherlock Holmes
bbcsherlock - slash fanfiction comm for BBC's Sherlock
bakerstreetfic - fic without sex
baskervillehall - AU comm for Sherlock BBC
study130 - a comm for "A Study in Pink" and "A Study in Scarlet"

thegamegoeson - comm for follow-up fic to BBC Sherlock's "The Great Game"
sherlock_kink - the kinky side of Sherlock
 - Sherlock BBC kink
shbbc_quickfix - drabbles, ficlets, flashfics, fics in 1-1000 words
sherlockbigbang - Sherlock BBC Big Bang
holmes_big_bang - SH 'Big Bang' comm (all verses and adaptions)

- Sherlock_Flashfic: short stories up to 1000 words in length (all incarnations) [Dreamwidth comm]
sherlocksga - Sherlock BBC/Stargate Atlantis crossover comm

dispatch_box- general SH fanfiction comm (all verses and adaptions)
holmes_cyoa - member-created SH 'Choose Your Own Adventure'

Sherlock fic at Fanfiction[dot]net
Sherlock fic at AdultFanfiction[ dot]net [must be 18+]
Sherlock fanfic tumblr

Fuck Yeah Sherlock Fics tumblr

Challenges, Fests and Prompts
sherlock_ldws - Last Drabble Writer Standing contest
sherlock20in20 - fanfic/fanart prompt comm
sherlock100 - fanfic/fanart table prompt community

holmes100 - drabble comm for SH (all verses and adaptions)

3patch_problems - BBC's Sherlock comm for crime prompts (in the form of clues)
sherlockland - team-based writing challenge comm for SH (all verses and adaptions)
holmesverse - team-based challenge community
thegameison_sh - team-based writing challenge comm for BBC's Sherlock
bakerstreaders - a reading and creative challenge group for the Sherlock Holmes Canon

sherlockbbc_fic - prompt-meme for BBC's Sherlock

sherlockpromptsPrompts for BBC's Sherlock
shkinkmeme - general kinkmeme for SH (all verses and adaptions)
sherlockinkmemeKink Meme
sherlockkink - Sherlock Kink
221b_slash_fest - Slash fest for BBC's Sherlock (art and fiction)
sherlockfest - October Fanworks Festival (Autumn/Halloween-themed) for the fandom (all verses and adaptions)
sherlockmas -Holiday fic/fanart exchange for BBC Sherlock
holmestice - fanworks exchange

Resources for fanfic writers
sh_britglish - general SH comm for brit-picking
studyinsherlock - resource and beta-search comm for writers in the fandom, similar to little_details

cumberbatchfans- comm for fans of Benedict Cumberbatch
dailybenedict - daily photos and videos of Benedict Cumberbatch
Cumberbatch Daily at Dreamwidth
benedict_stills - Benedict Cumberbatch Stills

sherlockfanbook - comm for the creation of a fanbook for Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch[dot]co[dot]uk
Benedict Cumberbatch [dot]net
Fuck Yeah Cumberbatch tumblr
Fuck Yeah Benedict Cumberbatch tumblr
Cumberbatchweb tumblr
CumberbatchAttack tumblr
Fuckyeah Cumberbatch Eyes- tumblr devoted to Ben's eyes
Benedict Cumberbatch Sexual Frustration Tumblr
freemanfans Martin Freeman comm
martin_freeman - comm for fans of Martin Freeman

Martin Freeman Online
LMR's Martin Freeman page
Fuck Yeah Martin Freeman tumblr
Martin Freeman Sexual Frustration tumblr
Martin Freeman's Face: tumblr dedicated to Martin's face
Martin Freeman Doing Stuff tumblr

gravesdiggers - Rupert Graves fans
rupertgraves - this is a less active Rupert Graves comm
Rupert Graves [dot]com
Rupert Graves tumblr
Another Rupert Graves tumblr
Rupert Graves Sexual Frustration Tumblr
markcroft - Mark Gatiss fans
Fuck Yeah Mark Gatiss tumblr
Mark Gatiss Sexual Frustration Tumblr
Fuck Yeah Louise Brealey tumblr
andrewscottfans Andrew Scott community
Andrew Scott Online and their tumblr
Hell Yeah Andrew Scott tumblr
Andrew Scott Sexual Frustration Tumblr
sherlockrpf - real-person fiction comm for Sherlock BBC
holmes_rpf - comm for real-person fiction relating to the SH franchise (all adaptations)

deducein140 - OOC community for Sherlock on Twitter
dressing221b - roleplaying community for Sherlock BBC
It's A Crime Scene - InsaneJournal RPG
cumberholmes - twitter roleplay
221bchronicles - The Chronicles of @221bsherlock and @221bjohn

Tumblr Roleplayers

holmesian_news - Sherlock Holmes news. A daily listing of all SH fandom activity.
sherlock-remix - remix comm
the-sign-of-fun - the sign of fun
mycrofting - discussing the actors of Sherlock
meta_holmes - discussion about the characters of Sherlock Holmes (all incarnations)

Queering Holmes - a Dreamwidth comm for research and discussion of SH and queerness
furtherinterest- The women of Sherlock Holmes
shwatchalongs - Watchalongs for any Sherlock Holmes media in any 'verse
sherlock_search - designed to help members of the BBC Sherlock fandom to find fic, art, meta, vids, websites
holmes_finders - a help!comm for finding stories, videos, fanworks, or anything else related to SH. A great place to ask for recs.
221b_recs - a great to find recs for fic, art, etc.
sherlock_stamps - a stamping comm for Sherlock BBC
sherlock_meetup - meet ups for Sherlock BBC fandom
FuckYeah Sherlock tumblr
FYeah Sherlock tumblr
Fuck Yeah Sherlock tumblr
FuckYeah BBC Sherlock tumblr
Addicted to Sherlock tumblr
Sherlock Advice tumblr
Hell Yes All Holmes Tumblr - tumblr dedicated to all incarnations of Sherlock Holmes
FY Baker Street Tumblr
Baker Street Babes
The New Diogenes Club
Fuck Yeah Sherlock Secrets Tumblr - where fans can share their secrets about the show/actors/characters/fandom
Sherlock Confessions Tumblr-where fans can share their secrets about the show/actors/characters/fandom (any incarnations)
BBC Sherlock Confessions Tumblr - another 'share your confessions annonymously' type blogs

actor: rupert graves, actor: benedict cumberbatch, actor: mark gatiss, actor: andrew scott, tv: sherlock bbc, actor: martin freeman

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