More filming Sherlock (series 2) pictures

Jul 14, 2011 19:44

She was invited to the set by a friend (who works on the show). Here are her pictures/texts. (I'm only linking to the ones with Martin in them. To see the rest, go to her tumblr).

I don't think the pictures are spoilery, but if you're a spoilerphobe, you probably don't want to view them (just to be safe).

Photo of Martin

Martin's tea and She brought Martin his tea

What Martin is doing in a certain scene - Note: she doesn't give anything away. It's not even spoilery.

Martin and Ben sitting in their sit chairs

Martin on the set (taking a break?) and here's another one

Martin and Ben getting ready for a scene

Ben handing Martin Sherlock's scarf

Getting ready for a scene

Martin’s kids just ran onto the set to give him a cuddle and he keeps waving at them. My ovaries.
Text about Martin's kids being on set

ETA: I found some more photos.

Click the pictures to view them at full size.

actor: rupert graves, actor: benedict cumberbatch, pairing: sherlock/john, actor: mark gatiss, tv: sherlock bbc, actor: martin freeman

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