Oct 21, 2007 17:21
Argh. What a week. I suppose I could start with the good news. Actually, it's really awesome news! Last Sunday my best friend and roommate, Justin (I can't remember what fake names I used for the guys so I'm going to use their real ones. Sue me.) managed to convince Tyler (the "evil" roommate from my previous posts) that the three of us couldn't live together anymore and it'd be best for him to find some other place to live and for him and I to go ahead and get our own two bedroom apartment. That first day Tyler took it very well but as the days passed he got more and more angry. Fortunately, Justin and I didn't back down on our decision and we managed to move into a lovely little two bedroom apartment. Justin and I are doing very well and are really enjoying ourselves and Tyler is up in Austin attending a "Joining Ceremony" and trying to legalize gay marriage. Good luck to him with that. Anyway, almost everything is perfect. Justin and I are getting along just great and are having a lot of fun playing video games and sitting up late talking about things. Life is so much easier! The only problem is that I have no money to cover the rent or bills this month and no one seems to want to help me out. My Grandparents called me a worthless failure, my Mother said she needed her money for various medical procedures, and my brother got some chick knocked up so needs to money to take care of that. So my family can't help me and I don't really have any friends with enough money and/or generosity to give me a hand. Oh, and the bank's "pre-approved" loan wasn't approved. I'm still confused about that one. I'm going to go to several churches and non-profit agencies to see if they'll help with rent assistance tomorrow. If I can somehow scrounge up the money for bills this month I swear on the name of Pumpkin that I will do ANYTHING to pay back the kindness of humanity.
On a less horribly realistic note, Justin and Marc (another good friend of mine) got me into playing World of Warcraft and I'm really enjoying it! I'm spending WAAAY too much time on it though so I might need to cut back after a while.
Oh, I almost forgot! I start my job at Kroger tomorrow. It's only an orientation thing but I do hope I get paid. I really need the money. Tyler will be there because he also got a job. That'll be awkward but I'm prepared. I think. I went to an interview at the local bowling alley on Friday and the manager said he was pretty sure I'd get the job. He just needed to run everything through the general manager dude and work out scheduling and salaries. I hope they call me back soon!! I'd really love to have that job AND it pays way better than Kroger.
I can't think of anything more to post right now. The whole money problem is what's stressing me out the most so it is what's on my mind the most. I'm trying to be optimistic but sometimes it's hard when you have a problem that you can't solve. GAH! I am very thankful for what I do have though. A wonderful place to live, great friends, and Pumpkin. He is so fluffy and smells like poo.