smoke the day's last cigarette

Oct 24, 2009 19:25

I began smoking cigarettes regularly when I was 16. After 22 years, and one year ago today, I quit that habit cold turkey. I have had 2-3 cigarettes in that time, the last being in April, but that's it. I'm sure in the future I'll allow myself the occasional cigarette or cigar, but I'll never allow myself the habit, short of contracting some terminal illness and not giving a shit any more. Having quit smoking and doing flatbed trucking all year long, I'm arguably in the best shape of my adult life.

One year later, I notice the smell of cigarette smoke much more acutely, especially on other people, but it doesn't bother me to be in the presence of other smokers. I'll never become one of those annoying non/ex smokers that gives everyone shit for their habit.

I still have cravings nearly every single day, especially after a meal. I suspect I always will.


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