shoe tree

Feb 26, 2008 22:46

Hi Soopa,

Hope this is of interest. received a request from a textbook publisher, who'd like permission to use a print-resolution image of yours (your winter view of the Middlegate shoe tree).

Let me know if I should pass on your email contact to them so they can connect with you. They were fine with a fee of $XXX. for 1/4 pg b/w image use in the textbook (hope that's okay -- I negotiated before they let me know it wasn't our photo they were interested in!).

We usually email a book publisher the high rez image and then send an email invoice.



Doug Kirby

PO Box 429
Middletown, NJ 07748-0429

The real kicker is that those photos were like, the second or third set of photos I ever took with my fancy-shmancy digital camera and, novice that I was, I didn't keep high resolution versions of everything like I do now.

*head desk*

photo, shoetree

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