tell me i'm the chosen one

May 27, 2007 17:51

dropped daveb78437 in Springfield on Friday night, his training all complete. Hopefully he'll be in his own truck by the middle of next week.

I've been enjoying my home time since arriving early Saturday morning, even though I haven't done or accomplished much. Unfortunately, welfy hasn't been feeling very well. She's running a fever and is achy. She doesn't stay-up for very long stretches without feeling light-headed and needing to lie back down. We did manage to watch the season finale of Lost, though. She had refrained from watching it when it aired so that we could watch it together this weekend. We also watchd Amelie, one of her favorite movies ever. I had gotten it from Netflix and have been carrying it around for over a month waiting for a time when she could watch it with me.

Even though Welf's feeling pitiful, it's nice to get to spend the days with her, lazing away the hours. It's allowed me to shift into a mode I am good at, care giver. It's not something I come by naturally. Like, I could never be a nurse or similar all-purpose care-provider... but when it's someone I care about, I get all Florence Nightingale and shit. I've been running errands and making sure she takes medicine and keeping food in her belly. I made home-style pan fried chicken and squash Saturday night with stuffing and gravy and biscuits. Tonight, though, I pushed the envelope by trying my hand at something new. I've had a pasta recpie book for a couple of months but haven't had the time or inclination to do anything with it. So tonight, I made pasta vongole.

I had to improvise with pre-packaged mussels since Frankfort sucks when it comes to finding things like fresh clams. They were fully cooked with their own seasoning and white wine sauce, yet they seemed to go okay with the sauce recipe. I wanna try it again sometime with some fresh clams, though. I feel like it wasn't TOTALLY my concoction because of the pre-pared nature of the mussels, but it was still really tasty.

The year of frugality not-withstanding, I did splurge on a couple of DVD's for myself this weekend. Both of them will likely have very limited distribution life, so I thought I better jump on it while they're still easy to acquire. One is the Japanese import film Linda, Linda and the other is the independent documentary Unknown Passage, about the band Dead Moon.

The year of frugality has been going well otherwise. I'm nearly back to the financial level I was pre-Christmas, which means I should have the amount I need for my 2006 tax burden in-hand very soon. I'm not sure if I will be able to to achieve my goal of having $20K in the bank by the end of the year, but I'm still going to give it my best shot.

Earlier this week, I went to to look at my charts and discovered that I have been listening to the Smashing Pumpkins... a LOT. Now that's amusing because, while I don't mind listening to the Smashing Pumpkins, I'm hardly a fan. Apparently, a certain someone whose name begins with W and ends with elfy has been corrupting my scrobbling charts by listening to music on my desktop in my absence. Her dekstop computer has been broken for a couple of weeks now. Guessing that it's likely a bad motherboard and or CPU, I got the parts in this week to get her machine up and running again. It's a good thing, too... because all I need is to have Muse or Rasputina at the top of my charts by the time I get home again.

Next week, I'm going to begin posting the few gams photos I've received. Hopefully it'll kick-start some of you into get'n your fanny in gear to send me some. Arguably, when I started it this year I really hadn't gotten the bug yet, I was just trying to do it for the sake of having second annual gams challenge. But the other day, I was in a service plaza of the Pa turnpike. A busload of kids in their late teens and early 20's were all over the place, getting in my way and clogging up the food service lines. And there were bare legs, everywhere. Now I have the bug for real. SHOW US YOUR GAMS!. (mail it to:

food, welfy, dvd

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