Oct 05, 2006 14:30
Fun things have still been happening here- hence why I haven’t written for a long while. I hate writing when I’m too down. It makes me feel worse for writing it sometimes. I dunno.
Anyhoos- I have really been trying to ignore all my personal troubles and concentrate on other things. I have started up a couple of teams for volleyball and netball to play at a corporate games event to be hosted by the Rec centre here. Apparently it’s their birthday or something. It’s happening in a couple of weeks and I’ve madly gone around the office trying to cajole people into joining/playing. It’s amazing how many apathetic people are there. But to give credit where credit is due, at least some people who aren’t really interested in sport are coming along to be “cheerleaders” to watch us make fools of ourselves.
I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been thinking of taking up team sports again- I used to be a fantastic netball player. But it’s hard trying to find out where etc- and considering I am a lone player- I don’t know many who’d join a regular team. I’m still looking into it all.
Erm- long weekend was great. Nice and relaxing. J and I bought ourselves an ipod each. Love the little bugger. I was still using my minidisc- which is great for radio stuff, but pain in the arse for personal use. I’m loving the whole podcasting concept and have been downloading a shyte load of stuff to listen to when walking the dog, etc.
Watched the worlds fastest Indian- funny movie. I think the main dude had more of a perth accent than an Invercargill one though. He sounded like a brit expat who’d moved over to wa when in his teens or something.
I also watched another fantastic movie written by Neil Gaimen- Fantastic! It was extremely abstract, like much of his writing, and very comic book and rich in imagination and depth. I also loved the main actress- she’s pretty talented.
Haven’t spoken to many people lately- I’ve emailed Mel a couple of times, but I’ve hidden too many things from her. Damn, I can be so self absorbed and self centred at times. Anyhoos.