The storm clouds came rolling in...

Nov 13, 2005 18:47

Well, everything good must come to an end right? Or maybe it was never really good at all. I moved out. We had a fight, he went to the bar and ended up bringing our roommates sister home and sleeping with her on the couch. I moved out yesterday morning. I figured it wasnt worth my time no more and I had to end it before it ended up like another Kyle situation with me constantly going back to him for all the wrong reasons. I feel that I made the right decision. I just hope that everyone understands. But I feel really good about it.

Later that night...

I called my girl...Baby Mama...and she came and picked me up, we chilled for a little bit but all I wanted was to drink a beer, kinda like a celebration cuz I felt really good about the situation. We went to her house after going to my moms and filling her in on all the little details of the move and we had dinner with her cousin. I held the new baby for the first time...she is so freakin adorable...then Dopey calls..."I gotta go to my boys house and Ill call you when I get there he wants to see you" The first thought in my head was that Kid was out so I got myself all pumped up to see Kid but then realized that couldnt be it, then Tracy says well what if Jay is home I got excited...At this point I was happy either way...He gets there and calls and we decide to meet at my dads house cuz it was in the middle. We get there and NO DOPEY!!! We go to the gas station and of course he calls "Where the hell are you???" So we finally get back there and ITS JAY...YAY...I was really happy to see him...So we go to Texas...I finally get to drink a beer...we played like 6 games of pool with this guy Matt he was pretty cool and me and Matt kept beating Dopey and Jay it was great, they only won 1 game out of 6 I was happy about that...thanks Matt. Anyway we close the bar and on we went...

The Journey...

We Leave the bar and of course...its and Dopey are naked in his front seat...well I kept my sweat shirt on with it unzipped and my bra was on most of the time...once on 9 mile we put our cloths back on and go to legends for chile cheese fries...did you ever get that chile out of your door Dope??? So we leave to go take Jay home and he cant get in cuz his aunt had a "friend" we drove around for a little bit and somehow ended up naked again in Hazel Park this time...then it happened we're blowing a stop sign and theres them boys and yes we are still naked...I throw on my pants grab the wheel he gets his pants on and then gets stuck in his you got me tellin him to speed up or slow down stop for stop signs with no shirt on him stuck in his shirt listenen the best he could with Hazel Parks finest coming up quick behind us. We hit Frazo and I bust a right he finally gets his shirt on and we take off...loose the cop and we're naked again driving around a trailer park looking for an old friends old trailer...dont finally we just go back to my dads house...

In the driveway...

At this point Jay had been sleeping for like an hour...So here we are me and Dopey naked in the front seat with Jay passed the fuck out in the back...what to do what to do...I pull the condoms out of my purse...I figure what better person to use them with but Dopey...right??? So we start messin around and not 1 but 7 condoms fuckin break on us...what the needless to say...Dopey is pregnant...

Thank you...

I just wanna give a special thank you to Tracy, Dopey and Jay...I really needed a night out that was stress free and the three of you did that for me I had a great time. It was really great to see Jay again I really miss him when hes gone. I missed you too Dopey, Its been a minute since we chilled it was nice. Oh yea and a special thanks to bars like

Oh yea...

I got the pics from Mannys welcome home party developed...I will be emailing them out as soon as I can get them scanned onto the puter...The doubles will be getting sent out to Manny...anyone that has anything they would like to send to Manny let me know by like the end of the week so I can get them sent out. I miss you Manny, I hope your doing ok.

Thats all...
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