Afraid to be alone...

Jun 27, 2006 01:18

So tonight me and Danielle were walking my dog...Honey...we were three blocks away from my house, we were both talking on our cell phones, we heard a car come to a screaching stop a few feet in front of us, I pulled my dog back and I hear the words "give me your fuckin phone bitch" I looked back at Danielle first, then I looked forward to see a shotgun being pointed right at me! The man repeated himself..."give me your fuckin phone bitch"...I screamed and took a few steps back he told me to stop moving and took a step towards me. At this time a second guy got out of the backseat of the car and pointed a 9mm at Danielle. I handed my phone over and so did Danielle when the other guy said "Give me your phone bitch" They then demanded us to give them our money...I had 2 dollars and Danielle had none. I gave the guy my 2 dollars. He then told us to turn around and run. I looked the guy right in his eyes and asked him "PLEASE DONT SHOOT US!!!" We turned around and ran. My dog was in front of us because while she was going nuts she got the coller off of her neck. I honestly expected to be shot in the back when we started to run! I kept looking back to make sure Danielle was there and I was so thankful when I heard their tires squeal off! We were ok! We ran straight to my dads house and called 911! I will never forget the 2 guys that got out of that car! The car was a silver or very light green taurus, an older one, prolly a 99-00. The guy that got out of the front seat and pointed the shotgun at me was about 6'0-6'3, he was heavy set, Id say about 250-275 pounds, he had a dew rag on his head, he was wearing black jeans and a blach shirt, but I looked right into his eyes when I and him to please not shoot us! Ill never forget his face! He did most of the talking! I would say he was prolly about 22 years old. The guy that got out of the backseat and pointed the 9mm at Danielle was about 5'7-5'9, he was about 160-175 pounds, he had on black shorts and a black shirt, I didnt really look at his face, but Ill never forget his voice! He was prolly not a day over 18! The sad part is that they only got 2 cell phones worth about 100 dollars a piece, and 2 dollars!! We go see a detective in the morning! I am so thankful that we were able to walk away from this!! And I am so thankful that we didnt have baby Noah with us!! I cant help but think what if things had gone differently...I know that we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I will have nitemares for a very long time because of this! Everytime I close my eyes, I see the guy with the shotgun...Its gonna be real hard to sleep tonight!! I just want to say that I love you guys that are reading this!! Even if we are on bad terms...I love you for the times we shared when we were on good terms!! Lifes to short to walk through it hating people!! I cherish every moment I spend on this earth!!
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