Mar 19, 2006 07:11

Everytime I think that I am going to be okay...I fall down!!!! Everytime I think I am finally going to get to be happy, everything blows up in my face!!! I just want to be happy...like for real happy!!! Is that to much to ask for??? Really!!! People pray for miracles and get them...I pray for something to put a smile on my face and I dont get it...a fucking smile!!! And what do I get??? HA HA HA!!! I get...we need to talk I have some important shit to talk to you about!!! Its been forever and a day and now you have something important to talk about?!?!?!?! What the hell?!?!?! I get mood swings from the new medication I am on that mind you I will be on for the rest of my life (fuck tumors...fuck endometriosis...fuck cancer!!!)I dont need anymore mood swings!!! I have enough of my own without medication!!! I get sued for shit I had nothing to do with!!!! Tell me how the fuck that works?!?!?! IT DOESNT ASSHOLE!!!!! I am sooo sick and tired of putting on a fake ass smile just so that the people who actually still love me wont worry about me...I am soo sorry to the few of you who still do!!! You dont need this...you guys have enough stress in your lives that you dont need to hear about my mental breakdown!!! Okay, well I have no idea what the hell Im saying anymore and I need to go to sleep where none of this matters anyways...but feel free to tell me that I need to be locked away in a fucking nut house for a few years...any comments will be appreciated unless I dont like you...and in that case...FUCK YOU!!!!! GOODNIGHT!!!!!
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