OK, I just like doing this, so who's stopping me? XD
PN & Doc will be familiar with these recs, cause this is partly a repetition of what I posted in PN's journal some time in July. I hope others will add their own recs (that is, if they read fan fic), so this can become a nice from-members-for-members-master-post. (Also I'm not gonna rec the work of fellow comm members because no matter how much I might love it, that would be UNFAIWR.)
Let me also say I don't only exclusively write, but also almost! exclusively read porn, haven't read much except what's at Trekiverse and have hardly read anything since I started writing myself. (Which doesn't mean I don't still enjoy it and wish I had more time and... yadayadaya, sheesh Erua we know you have little time, we all do...)
Gonna start listing by author rather than story, because some authors have done many different things.
J. Juls: my absolute favorite; she doesn't take herself or fandom seriously, doesn't hide the fact that Data and Lore are lust objects to her and somehow manages to write the most hilarious and absurd things that, amazingly, are also seriously good (or at least in some passages). She has a kind of bold craziness that I miss elsewhere.
Data's Babysitting Experience (gen): sounds indigestible but is actually very cute
Smoother Than an Android's Bottom (Data/Geordi): same
Data's Big Date and A Surprise For Kate (Data/Pulaski, crack, NC-17): porn can be hilarious! (especially for Pulaski-haters)
Senior Staff Meeting (Data/Geordi, Data/entire senior staff, NC-17): the slightly-less-cracky but still not exactly serious follow-up
If You Build It, They Will Come (Lore/Juliana, NC-17): one of my absolute favorite Omicron Theta backstories and one of the VERY FEW STORIES IN EXISTENCE that focus only on Lore
Encounter (gen): beautiful character study of Data in conversation with old admiral McCoy
She's done lots more, parodies, Christmas filks, mirror universe challenges... and one P/Q crack fic which I love for the single remark Q makes about Data: "Yes, he IS a hottie, isn't he? And so versatile!" :o) (I can distribute a j_juls.zip file to whoever asks nicely.)
Espressivo: did a series of short vignettes, each of which shows a completely different side to Data as a lover (though always as the emotionless creature who pleases others); all NC-17, some violent
Trick or Treat (Data/Geordi, established relationship, NC-17): nice portrayal of Data during the porn
The Observer Effect (Data/Maddox (oh yeah!)): the sexiest Data story I know with no sex in it
Eve Robinson/PensNest:
Buzz (Data/Ensign Sue, NC-17): delightfully written, completely ironic and still hot; in fact it got me into writing fic
The Things Juliana Didn't Say (gen): true to canon, but beautiful and convincing Omicron Theta backstory
Datatoy: wrote the 'Tarot Series' (Data/Geordi, NC-17 in some chapters) in which Data is turned into a human by Q; I don't find it very well written (although the last porn scene is brilliant), but I love the idea that Data has been systematically repressing his emotions rather than not having any
Single fics:
Only Brothers by conversation_kills (Data/Lore, drabble): short and delicious
Sisyphus by Lori (gen): a very well written Data character study
Of Mime and Marmots (Data/Geordi) by Robin Lawrie: a cute bit of crack (what do you mean his chest is green, though?)
Debriefing by Taylor DancingHands (Data/Picard, NC-17): very heavy on the romantic, angsty, shmoopy stuff, but with good porn
Obscured by Ladonna (Data/Picard, NC-17): same, though here I actually liked the emotional bit better
Buddies by mk (Data/Geordi, NC-17, trashy): um... what shall I say? I love this. It makes me laugh so hard.
Tranquilitas by Kassandra (Data/mystery guy, unrequited): very nice & subtle, for when you're fed up with porn
So It Goes by Mistress Scribbles (gen): the only thing I've dared to read at ff.net so far, but it made me laugh and cry and everything, so yeah
we were monsters (but we're in this together) (Data/Geordi) by aitakute: very impressive dark & depressing atmosphere and subtle sketch of the, let's say bromantic relationship between the two
to a bright place (Data/Geordi) by flamingeskimo: actually much of the same; couldn't say which one I like better
I'd love to hear it if you (whoever you are) read any of these and agree or disagree! Or if you've got recs of your own. Or if you want an art rec list as well. Or if you think: bitch please, what the hell do I care. (Seriously, I'd rather hear that than total silence.)