One of those things I regret posting later. Whatever.

Jan 09, 2011 08:27

As of two hours ago, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is still in critical condition. But surgeons are optimistic for her recovery, though they remain unsure about possible long term damage.

Not a single mainstream media outlet that I have been able to find has called Jared Loughner a terrorist. The Wall Street Journal reports that he "refers to himself as a 'terrorist.'" But they do not actually call him one; just report, as he himself stated, that he believes himself to be one. I believe Keith Olbermann called him a terrorist; but the actual news, which is supposed to be facts, which is supposed to be the truth, will not call Jared Loughner a terrorist.

A lone man who shot an innocent woman in the head to make a political statement, according to our media, is not a terrorist. A man who goes on YouTube and calls himself a terrorist, and then shoots eighteen people, according to our media, is not a terrorist.

Please tell me you find this as sick and wrong as I do.*

Ugh, god. I'll be off praying for Congresswoman Giffords, and the families of the other people who died (including a nine-year-old girl who was there because she wanted to be involved in local politics). Here's hoping Jared Loughner gets to see her back in office, recovered and still bravely working for the people of her district.

*If you can link me to a mainstream news outlet calling Jared Loughner a terrorist, I would greatly appreciate it; I would absolutely love to be proven wrong about this. I used some google-fu and found no articles on mainstream (meaning not political blog) sites that used the words "terrorist" or "terrorism" to describe this; but I could not keep track of all the television coverage, and though the written articles usually just repeat what the anchors say, it's entirely possible someone on the air told the truth and I missed it. If they did, call me on my shit. Please, please, please let me be ranting out my ass about this.

and this is why i hate the media, oh dear sweet fuck, current events, with a big rusty pole

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