[fear is a friend who's misunderstood]

Dec 05, 2010 10:23

Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

Aaaaaaaaaand now I will warn for TMI, because even though these are all so freaking vanilla and I am as virginal as they come (hurr), this is still embarrassing. o lord.

1. Protectiveness/possessiveness. At first I thought this was just something I liked to see in fic, but no, it comes from what I like in real relationships - Edward Cullen-level possessiveness is creepy as fuck, but I get turned on by just a hint of jealousy. The belief that "I want you so much it bothers me slightly to see the possibility of you wanting someone else or someone else wanting you."

2. My neck is very sensitive. It. Well. I. I'll just say that, considering recent events, it's probably a damn good thing that it's turtleneck weather right now and I'll stop talking.

3. And finally one that has thus far only ever been indulged in the world of fiction: Sensory deprivation. Especially blindness. Hoo boy.


Yesterday, for all that I accomplished nothing, ended up being fun. I bummed around at home all day (after morning rehearsal, fizzix with the Ginger Cellist, and lunch with the DB), then left in the evening to see OU Improv, because half my circle of friends is in the troupe. They were lolarious. Right after, two of my friends who'd also attended asked me if I wanted to join them at the Snow Ball formal dance going on upstairs; so even though I wasn't dressed for dancing I joined them. And it turned out all right, because Bolun (our Chinese exchange cellist) taught me how to cha-cha, and I left just in time to hear that the Sooners beat the Huskers 23 to 20. I cleaned my dorm and allowed myself to sleep in this morning; after church, I'll Skype the Future Dictator of the World, do my fizzix and my foreign relations, and practice like a fiend, and then it'll be symphony concert time. And by then Jonesy will be back, and we'll celebrate the Sooner victory together.

In other, much lamer, news: Started the Nuzlocke Challenge for Pokemon Gold. I'm playing as Connor, which changes the rules slightly - as well as having to release fainted Pokemon and catch only the first Pokemon found in every area, I'm only allowed to get female trainers' phone numbers, and must refer to my team as my Brokemon. I can't believe I'm starting this the week before finals. But I'm already considering using my Connor journal to record my adventures, because I can't draw and I'm getting addicted to other people's Nuzlocke sagas.

christ i'm a performance major, brokemon, my exciting life, boys boys boys

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