[here come the drums here come the drums]

Nov 12, 2010 10:48

And now for a lesson on perspective.

We've had three three-hour taiko practices this week. This is in part because our fearless leader wasn't here last week - he was at home with his family, because his sister died suddenly. He came back this week, and after the original awkward moment of telling us what had happened and our stupid useless words of comfort and the blinking back tears, he let us into the practice room and led us through Seiha. We played it straight through without major fuckups for the first time yesterday.

Important to remember: my Hell Week could be a lot more hellish than it is. I find I'm less stressed out after seeing him continue with his life-- drumming with a goofy bunch of kids, keeping a bright face on, not canceling either of our performances, but keeping on. I know, when you're grieving, it's important to continue with your daily routine, to keep from getting mired in the depression - but I also know how fucking hard that is.

So, Brian, here is all my respect for you - you make me want to bitch about my own meager problems less. I hope things look up for you soon.

That said, things are going better. Through absolutely Herculean scheduling efforts (I take all the credit for this-- my time management skills are fucking marketable) I have managed to keep abreast of pretty much everything. I am even confident about my fizzix test. Gonna skip out on socialtiems tonight to finish all my weekend homework so that this entire weekend can be The Essay (and insane amounts of both piano and jury practice). This weekend will be almost-nonstop work and lots of good sleep, so that the following week can be as focused on taiko and essay rewrites as possible.

Mom's back is feeling better, and they say there is no fracture. They think it might be a slipped disc, but aren't sure. At the very least, it's not life-threatening, and she's not in a ton of pain, which is good.

All in all: I have handled this well and I am proud of myself. I even slept enough this week. Hell Week, I am hereby demoting you to Heck Week.

fizzix, whine bitch moan complain, heck week, epic win, my exciting life, drumming up a storm

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