Yikes, 12 days left.
Today marks the start of my last week of work. I suspect I may be somewhat useless this week. There's just so much left to do. Or at least it seems that way some days. I guess the main thing right now is reworking the damn seating chart. I'd just let it be and let people pick themselves, but I know it would be super chaotic, and I'd never hear the end of it.
I'm pretty stressed out. I just can't sleep. I tossed and turned all night. Also, my back is so, SO sore right now. It had really been improving, and once I started working out again, all the progess I made seems to have gone out the window. I don't know what to do! I hate being so sore. It doesn't bother me during the day, but it hurts so badly at night. I don't need something else keeping me from sleeping.
I guess I've sounded a little negative these past few entries. I'm really, not.. I'm just very overwhelmed. I guess it's the spotlight and all. I'm pretty uncomfortable with it. The planning has been fun actually. I'd actually consider being a wedding planner after this. Well, I would if I could pick and choose my clients. I've never publicly bridezilla'd out.. not even once. Oh sure, I've had my moments at home.. but no one saw them. All of my service people: the decorator, caterer, pastor, cake lady - have commented that I've been a joy to work with, as I'm so nice, yet professional. A joy? Haha! I really don't feel like one. I suppose it's just because I'm used to dealing with people at work, and I would never EVER treat anyone without respect simply because I consider them to be in my employ.
Right. So that's where I am now. Overwhelmed, a little freaked out, feeling somewhat nauseous. Hah, that sounds great! Dan is so totally NOT stressed about anything, which has actually been nice. He's quite good at calming me down. I may just give him the seating chart and say "Do your best." He'd probably pair everyone up in a totally incompatible manner, and it might actually be amusing. Bah. I wish I wasn't such a control freak.
Also, I'm wondering if we should still bother with the open faced sandwiches going out after the cake.
Also also: I am compiling a big list for other brides to be about what I wish I had known before starting all of this. I hope it can help someone out. I'll be posting it in
ontarioweddings for sure.