At CoNZealand last week I moderated
"Death of Genre?" and was a panelist on
"Good Omens at 30" They are available for CoNZealand members to watch until August 8 (NZT) which is two days away.
Rewatch "Death of Genre?" Rewatch "Good Omens at 30" I was feeling nervous as I had never been on con panels before, so with "Death of Genre?" I took a straightforward approach. Unfortunately panelist Caren Gussoff Sumption had technical issues and wasn't able to join so we forged on with the other two panelists, Joshua Bilmes & Trish Matson. I welcomed everyone in
Te reo Māori and in the process used a significant percentage of the Māori phrases I know. I got the panelists to introduce themselves (I prefer to hear about them in their own words, plus it's less work for a moderator), and introduced the topic with a reading of the OED definition of genre, and took it from there. I thought it went well overall and I injected myself more into the conversation to make up for the missing panelist.
Having experienced my first panel, I figured the other one would be easy. After all, I was only a panelist, and it was on a topic I knew well.The "Good Omens at 30" panel was one I suggested to the programmers (what with it being the 30th anniversary of the book & the Amazon Prime 'moving pictures' version still veryt recent), and though I didn't volunteer to be on the panel, I was glad to do so when asked. The panel was moderated by Sam Blackley and the other panelists were Ira Alexandre (Lady Business!), Harun Siljak, and Maria Haskins.
It wasn't a relaxing panel for me at all. A few minutes before the panel was to begin, Room Host Chris lost his connection. As luck would have it, I had been doing Room Hosting for other panels and still had the appropriate information in other browser tabs*. So I was able to take over and do double duties: Room Host & Panelist. I do not recommend it for anyone! I thought it was a really good panel, though we didn't get to many of the audience's questions as the Room Host was poor at timekeeping...
But despite all that, I thought we had an excellent session, covering a good number of aspects within the topic, and there was a good amount of audience interaction in the chat as well. And despite initially getting thrown by having to be the tech person as well, I really enjoyed my time on this panel.
*The obvious moral of the story is: never close your browser tabs.
P.S. In both panels I tried to do introductions in Te reo Māori, so in a small (very small) way, have a little bit more New Zealand content in the panels I was involved in.
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