[FIC] One Day at A Time; Yoseob + OC/ PG

Feb 21, 2011 18:47

Title: One Day at a Time; Prologue & Chapter One
Author: soomseob
Genre: drama/+fluff
Rating: PG
Paring: Yoseob (Beast)/Original Character 
Summary: SeulAh and Yoseob find themselves as the legal guardians of their niece after their older siblings die in a car accident.

{SeulAh’s pov}
I followed my older sister into her small house carrying my suitcases, not allowing her to carry them for me due to her large stomach. She was about to give birth any day now.
I watched the way my sister waddled, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear when she didn’t know what else to do. They were all things that I remembered about her, but only recalled them as I saw them before my eyes.

I hadn’t seen my sister in at least five years. She had moved to Korea to study abroad, where she met her husband. They had gotten married in Korea and only Mom and Dad went, I couldn’t because of school. I wished I could have been there.

“Here’s your room, you’ll start school in a month,” her voice broke me out of my thoughts.
I set down my bags on the floor and I turned to face her.
But I did not expect her to have tears in her eyes. It was probably the hormones.
“SeulAh,” she said choking back tears. She gave me that name. Saying it was my Korean name. She never called me Sarah, only SeulAh. “Mom and Dad.”
I pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. “Shhh. It’s going to be okay.” My own throat burned from the urge to cry. I couldn’t cry, I had to be strong for Heather, or Heemi as she insisted I call her.
“So what are you planning on naming the baby?” I asked as cheerfully as I could to change the subject.
“Bom. It means spring.” She replied smiling.
“It’s pretty,” I smiled back.

And from that day on I never cried for the loss of our parents. I forced myself to be the strong one of us. With the stress of the new baby she didn’t need to worry about me either. In the next 6 months she taught me how to speak Korean almost fluently. A fast learner, she called me. Her husband, Sungho, was always so nice. He was good to Heemi, and to their daughter, Bom, he loved them, and even took care of me. He was a perfect gentleman. I thought things were finally going to get better. But I was so, so wrong.

Chapter One:
“SeulAh, are you almost ready?” yelled my sister.
“I’m coming,” I yelled back. I walked downstairs in black jeans, a simple white t-shirt and a blazer, with sneakers. We were going out to dinner for their Anniversary. I had no idea why I had to come along.
“Tell me again why I can’t just stay home with Bom?” I asked again.
“Because, Sungho wants it to be a family thing and not just us. We couldn’t just leave you home alone, and you’re a part of our small family. I think he’s bringing his brother or something so you’re not alone.”
I let out a sigh.
“Here, can you take her for me? I need to finish putting on my make up.” She handed me 10 month old Bom without waiting for a yes. It wasn’t really a question in the first place.
“And why did you ask me if I was almost ready if you weren’t yourself?” I muttered in her direction.
“Love ya’ sis!” she simply yelled back.

I walked over to the couch to sit down while holding Bom. She soon fell asleep in my arms. After about fifteen minutes Heemi and Sungho joined me in the living.
“Ready?” I asked them. Heemi took Bom from me and we walked to the car.

In the car, they talked to each other in the front seat in Korean. I didn’t bother to follow their conversation, trying to translate. Bom slept silently in her car seat beside me. For the rest of the ride I simply looked out the window, no matter how long I lived here I still wasn’t used to the surroundings. It was a lot different than America.

-later in the restaurant-
“He just texted me saying he’ll be here in ten minutes,” Sungho said apologetically for his mysterious guest.
“It’s fine,” said Heemi sweetly, “he’s probably very busy.”
I wondered what she meant by that, but I didn’t have to ask as a blonde haired guy, who looked exactly like Sungho except younger and well blonder, walked over to our table apologizing for being late.
He sat down in the empty seat next to me.
“Our schedule ran over time.” Sungho just nodded understandingly.

“Yoseob this is Heemi’s sister, SeulAh. SeulAh this is my pesky little brother Yoseob.” Sungho introduced jokingly.
“Yah!” his brother laughed.
Heemi piped in, “SeulAh, Yoseob is in a world famous boy group, Beast.”
I raised my eyebrows, “Is that so.” Not really forming it as a question.
He nodded excitedly not picking up on my sarcasm. He turned his attention over to Bom.
“Annyong Bom,” he made cute face to her, she laughed a little but did nothing other.

The night went on as we ate our delicious food. Sungho and Heemi were in their own world, so Yoseob kept trying to strike up a conversation with me, but continued to give curt answers. Eventually he stopped trying. Finally dinner was over and we parted ways with Sungho’s brother. They embraced each other quickly and said goodbye.

On the drive back home it was quieter. So I asked, “You don’t get to see him much do you?”
Sungho shook his head.
“He’s very busy. He barely has time for himself, let alone for me. But he’s living out his dream and I couldn’t be happier for him because it makes him happy.”
“Did you see how tired he looked? Poor thing.” Heemi added.
Actually, I hadn’t noticed. His perky-ness surely didn’t show that fact. Plus, I barely looked at him during the dinner, only concentrating on the dish in front of me.

I mumbled a goodnight and thank you for the dinner and went to my room. I collapsed on my bed falling asleep quickly.

these chapters are a bit boring, but I have to set up the story. Chapter three is where it's all at~

fic, fic: one day at a time, pairing: yoseob/oc

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