[Novel] Feng Yu Jiu Tian Volume 2 Chapter 20

Mar 20, 2013 01:50

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Please do no redistribute or retranslate
Please do no redistribute or retranslate
Feng Yu Jiu Tian
Volume 2 Chapter 20

Ahhhhh! Hi guys will be travelling until April so no updates! Plot is moving along like a rocket in this chapter.

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Within six hours General Tong returned unscathed to update his Masters.

“Reporting to Prince and King Rong once we reached Endless Red Valley our men scoured the surrounding forests. We indeed discovered a sizable army of a thousand scattered in position for an ambush. Our army of three thousand annihilated the enemy. Three hundred were captured. The enemy’s death toll is high, we estimate only one hundred escapees. Their General was defeated by my sword and his head was collected as a token.”

Tong waved at a subordinate whom walked forth to present a blood drenched severed head.

Rong Wang was accustomed to the sight of blood and did not flinch or batter an eyelid upon the presentation of his men’s trophy. On the other hand, it was Feng Ming’s first time to see a detached human head still dripping with fresh blood. He couldn’t help but squirm uncomfortably.

Official Zhang eyed the scene before him and thought inwardly: Although the Prince is quite talented he is too timid. It is apparent that the Regent King is in charge of the final decisions.

Under the table, the King could feel Feng Ming’s hands ice over. He nodded to the foot soldier to dispose the offending gore.

Although General Tong was sent out in the deep of a cold winter’s night for a fierce battle he was still excited as if the adrenaline of the battlefield had not left him.
As he discussed their skirmish Tong’s expression changed. He started to analyze the opposition.

“Strangely enough the men did not appear to be robbers as our intelligence reported. Rather they all adorned and spoke with accents from the country of Li. Furthermore, the Prince’s original route of return does not pass through the Endless Red Valley. Why were they there? If they wanted to target the Prince, did they think one thousand men could come close to defeating our army of five thousand?”

The King glanced over to the Prince and chuckled. “As for these questions, perhaps Official Xia will be kind as to indulge us.”

Rong Tian’s voice boomed as he ordered, “Bring Official Xia.”

Rong Hu had efficiently manhandled the court advisor in the courtyard. He had captured and bound the target with no complications. The old man was left gagged and helpless in a wooden shed and only Lie Er was informed of the location.

General Tong was completely in the dark about the cloud of suspicion around Official Xia’s identity. However, he was an observant man so he did wonder where the old fool had disappeared to during the night. Now before him, one of the most trusted men of Xi Rei’s court was escorted into the banquet room by Lie Er. The old man’s hands were secured tightly like a prisoner.

The General stiffened and his expression waned. “Official Xia, why did you suddenly become a prisoner?”

Rong Wang toyed with the small wine cup in his hand, rolling it several times between his long fingers. He looked at the old man and smiled.

Although captured Official Xia had kept his ears alert, he heard thundering footsteps It wasn’t difficult to deduce that soldiers led by General Tong were off to fight.

To see the King’s face before him dread washed over him, Xia knew his scheme was discovered. His unrelenting eyes stared coldly at the King and a smile stretched across his lips.

“What an ill-conceived plan, if I had known the Regent King would grace our journey Xia would have heightened his caution by a hundred fold.”

“You have been a trusted member of the Royal court for countless years, yet you dared to conspire and bring harm to the Crowned Prince, are you aware of the consequences of your crime?”

“Xia is originally from Li where I have been in favor of generations of King’s. Concealed in Xi Rei, collecting military intelligence is my duty to my people.”

The Old man knew his time was near instead of cowering he wanted to live his last moments with dignity. Standing up to Rong Wang whilst proudly stating, “A question for the King, what is Xia guilty of if he is just repaying the kindness of his homeland?”

Rong Tian looked at the spy amused, he shook his head. “Even on your final breath you flaunt your tongue. Since you want to die a hero, I will grant you your wish.” Without hesitation he summoned an execution crew. “Behead him and send the head as a token to Ruo Yan with the request that Xia will be given a suiting burial for his status in his true country.”

Feng Ming had spent many days on the road with Official Xia. During this time although the old-timer wasn’t pleasing to the eye he proved to be humorous, amicable and practically a walking textbook. Xia taught him literature, customs and countless topics. To have the King order an execution without a blink of his eye, Feng Ming could not bare the thought. The young man reached out to tug at Rong Tian’s sleeve in a private plea for leniency.

Rong Wang intercepted quickly, “Prince does not need to be soft hearted, Xia willingly committed to be a spy for our enemy, it is natural he would have calculated the chance that this day may come.”

Feng Ming was about to speak out when Rong Wang turned around and advised him in a whisper.

“Think about the situation, if Xia’s plan succeeded you would have fallen into Ruo Yan’s clutches. What would have been your result?”

Feng Ming swallowed, shuddering at thought. Being reminded of Ruo Yan made him uncomfortable, recollecting the man’s unwanted attention. However, it was really unfortunate to end Xia’s life as the man had profound knowledge and unique talents.

The Prince turned towards the departing party, the soldiers were ushering the old man out.

He shouted, “Hold on! Official Xia!”

Feng Ming left the platform with a cup of fine wine in hand. He stood in front of the prisoner.

“Official Xia, you have taught me countless things on this journey, An He is grateful for everything.”

“Thank you your Highness.” He received the cup and momentarily exchanged a glance with the Prince before tilting his head back to down the contents.

“Official Xia although a spy, you display extreme loyalty to your country. This is a trait I admire.” Feng Ming continued with a soft tone, “Knowing the cost of the risks you take would equate to death, Ruo Yan is cruel to ‘send one’s own to slaughter’. Is the price of his ventures truly worth your life? Rong Wang is wise and resolute it is inevitable that he shall unify the countries under the heavens. If Official Xia was to dedicate his talents in the King’s efforts you will become a person of legend. Even though An He’s life was nearly played into your hands, An He still trusts Xia. An He requests for Xia to renounce ties with Li and contribute to Xi Rei’s plight.”

The Prince’s offer was reasonable and fair, not only was Official Xia stunned for words the entire hall of people stood speechless and shocked.

A few droplets trickled from the wine cup that Rong Tian had purposely filled to the brim. His hands trembled from the weight of the words that left his lover’s mouth.

The King was completely impressed by Feng Ming’s generous offer, everything was for his sake. It was clear that Feng Ming was serious and whole heartedly invested in aiding the King’s campaign to unify the world

The delicate and fragile frame suddenly appeared to stand taller and shone with a gallant aura.

Official Xia’s face blanked then a lively glimmer returned to his eyes. “Send one’s own to slaughter.” The old man repeated several times before bellowing out with laughter.

“Prince’s persuasive techniques have surpassed that of the Regent King’s. As for the King of Li, he is a brilliant man of this age and I shall never claim to be akin to him, I am merely acting my role as a stepping stone.”

He ceased his laughter as his eyes looked the Prince up and down.

“If Prince was born in the country of Li, wouldn’t that have been better? Anyhow this won’t pose a challenge as my King is adept on many levels and abilities. There will be more than one plan to gain his objective. It appears our King is infatuated by Prince and won’t merely be depending on Xia’s plan.”

The old man spoke with such self confidence that his words triggered the alarms within Feng Ming and Rong Tian.

After he finished his speech, he cupped his hands together and bid everyone in the room a sign respect and a final farewell.

“Gentlemen, Xia will take leave and advance forth.” With his departing words he turned around and began to laugh mockingly as he strode proudly out to meet his end.

One could admire Xia’s bold and defiant demeanor.

Feng Ming was cemented as his eyes followed the court advisor until he was completely out of sight.

Rong Wang worried about the young man being disheartened over the whole affair he stepped down from the raised ledge and made his way to Feng Ming.

Standing behind the Prince he placed his hands firmly on his shoulders. “What’s the wrong?”

The Prince shook his head, “It’s nothing.” His eyes stared at the path where a dead man just walked.

“In case I am captured and sentenced to the chopping block I need to be bold and unyielding to my last breath like Xia.”

Rong Wang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He pulled the Prince back to their table and scolded him.

“Who curses their own death?” He poured a cup of wine and delivered it towards Feng Ming’s lips.

“Have a drink”.

The Prince stared at the high quality wine with apprehension. He shook his head.
“No, when I start drinking…” he protested.

“Nothing will harm you when I am present. Actually that is precisely the reason why you should.” The King coaxed his eyes formed sly slits as he teased, “perhaps once intoxicated you won’t complain about pain.”

This was the man’s intention, Feng Ming was more convinced to refute. He shook his head again and again to reject the beverage.

The two sat in view of the other guests, one was a Crowned Prince and the other a world famous Regent King. The two were bickering and no one dared to disturb, instead they watched on.

“Just take a sip.” The King urged with jest.

“No, you have bad intentions.” The Prince growled.

“If you don’t drink I will force it down your throat.”

“Bastard, I told you I don’t want to.”

Feng Ming wasn’t just trying to avoid alcohol rather it was the indecency of it all that he wanted to dodge. The heat quickly escalated and the Prince stormed away from his seat next to the King. Lie Er expected events to turn out of hand but for General Tong this opened display made him feel embarrassed. Surely, these two treasures of their country shouldn’t tarnish Xi Rei’s prestige.

Tong turned his attention to Zhang, “Official Zhang, the night is waning would it be better to…”

Their humble host cut the General off midsentence, “Ah, the night is waning…” he had been fixated on the two leader’s flirtatious banter. After being prompted by the General he refocused his thoughts and announced, “Indeed, the night is no longer young, Zhang will take his leave.”

The occupants of the room followed suit, each bidding their goodnight wishes. The boisterous officials left the banquet hall leaving it peaceful. General Tong didn’t want to interfere with his Master’s private matters or drinking session so he quickly ushered Lie Er to stand guard outside.

Feng Ming and Rong Wang were the sole occupants of the large room.

Originally, Rong Tian worried about Feng Ming falling into depression over Xia’s dismissal. Seeing the young man’s gloom gradually lift gave him peace of mind.

He finally submitted and put down the cup.

“Alright, if you don’t want to drink I won’t force you but we shall head to our bedchamber.” As soon as he finished he whisked the Prince into his arms.

Feng Ming didn’t resist and giggled into the man’s chest. “Given that I am not a fan of pain, how about you let me…” the Prince stopped mid sentenced, his body tensed and he curled into a ball.

“How about letting you do what?” The King sensed something was astray as the younger man stiffened in his arms. He glanced down to study the Prince’s face. The lively hues of pink had left his cheeks, his cheeks ghastly pale. The young man hands pressed tightly against his abdomen, the source of his immobilizing pain.

“Feng Ming what happened?”

“Hurts…” he choked between gritted teeth.

“Hurts?” The King immediately paused and carefully rested his lover on the floor before taking a slender wrist to check his pulse.

The doors to the hall were flung open, General Tong and Lie Er had listened to the strange moments rushed inside.

In the depths of his belly, there was an incessant and crippling pain. As if someone was disemboweling his body while he was alive.

“It hurts …” Less than minutes since his body manifested such symptom, Feng Ming’s lips were already tainted blue. The young man pinched the King’s sleeves tightly. Gently wailing, “Rong Tian, it hurts…”

“Don’t be afraid.” His voice reassured, listening to Feng Ming’s calls was slicing his heart into bits. Part of him forced himself to stay grounded as he comforted the Prince and monitored his weakening pulse.

General Tong nervously watched on, waiting for the King’s diagnosis. Seeing his Master’s deterioration and cold sweat Lie Er retrieved a warm towel to cleanse him.

“King Rong, the Prince…”

Rong Wang suddenly contracted his hand away from his lover’s wrist. In a hasty deep voice he ordered “General Tong, immediately transmit my command. Lower the blade and spare a life. Bring Official Xia here!”


Sensing that time was of the essence the General sprang into action, howling the King’s order as he made his way out.

Lie Er remained by his ward’s side. “Master, Prince appears to have improved.”

With the efforts to aid him, Feng Ming’s pain subsided. With labored breath he asked, “Are you going to release Official Xia?”

Rong Wang looked at Feng Ming, “Are you feeling better?” He lifted the young man into his arms.

“That pain hit me out of nowhere but I feel much better now.”

Feng Ming had bitten his lower lip during his ordeal. Upon seeing the bloodied wound Rong Wang’s eyes soften and he couldn’t help but to lick the spot clean.

“Maybe you’ve eaten something bad. I warned you about being cautious around food. Just because it is cold weather you shouldn’t gorge yourself on random foodstuff. You’ve upset your stomach, right?”

The onslaught of Feng Ming’s sudden cramps left as fast as they arrived. After exchanging a few words with the King, his face was rosy and flushed.

Lie Er sighed with relief.

Within a flash General Tong rushed into the hall and knelt down on one knee, his face full of disappointment. “Reporting to the Prince and Regent King, Xia was beheaded before I could intercept.” The General looked up to be pleasantly surprised to see Feng Ming alive and well in the King’s arms.

“Oh! Prince you are well?” he exclaimed wide-eyed.

Feng Ming nodded, “Yes, perhaps it was something I shouldn’t have ate.” The Prince was still brooding over Xia’s execution, he stared accusingly at the King. “Unfortunately, if the pain had kicked in earlier we could have spared Official Xia’s life.”

Rong Tian’s face darkened and he smirked. “Indeed, if I had known you were so unwilling to part with him, I would have spared his life.”

“Ultimately the execution was carried out under your order, did I not plea for mercy?”

That evening Feng Ming fell into a deep sleep beside Rong Tian. Once he felt the Prince was sound asleep the King left the bed and covered himself with a fur cloak before silently leaving the bedroom. Once outside the bedchamber he found a secluded corner to summon Lie Er and Rong Hu.

“During Feng Ming’s stay in Fan Jia, did he ever make contact with Ruo Yan?”

Li Er replied, “Your Highness, twice. Once was a meeting at the Third Princess’s mansion and the second at the King’s palace.”

“Has Ruo Yan physically touched Feng Ming?”

Rong Hu stepped in, “Your Highness, at the Princess’s mansion I monitored the situation through a window. Ruo Yan was staring at the Prince for the entire meeting. However, they were separated by two seats. There was nothing physical. At the King’s palace Ruo Yan maintained a distance with the Prince. However…”

Rong Wang’s face soured, his eyes flared. He quickly followed, “However, what?”

“When the Prince was mounting the stairs he slipped and Ruo Yan caught him from behind with a hug.”

Rong Hu watched his master’s face darken a few shades, an uneasy tingling sensation washed over him.

“He caught him?” Rong Tian’s fists clenched into a ball inside his sleeves, his eyebrows knitted. “Ruo Yan specializes in the use of drugs and poison, Feng Ming is unable to guard against him. How can you be so careless?”

Li Er and Rong Hu both broke out into a cold sweat. Rong Hu knelt in front of his master and dared not to make a sound. His younger brother gave their Master a quick glance before saying, “Master, was the Prince poisoned?”

“Feng Ming’s pulse was abnormal and that was no ordinary abdominal pain.” The fierce look on the King’s face had softened, he now spoke in a more calm and collected manner.

The cold wind whistled as the King paused.

“Did Official Xia organize the Prince to visit Fan Jia’s King alone?”

Li Er nodded.

“Since the meeting was deliberately arranged by Xia, Ruo Yan would have known in advance that he will have the opportunity to corner Feng Ming. Ruo Yan has mastery in poisons and his spy was an expert with medicine. It wouldn’t be farfetched to claim they have conspired to lace the Prince with poison.”

The icy wind permeated the King’s cloak, the chill hitting his heart.

“It was Rong Hu’s incompetence, I failed to protect His Royal Highness, please punish me as you see fit Master.”

The King lowered his head in thought before conceding, “What has happened is not entirely your fault. It was I. I shouldn’t have sent him as our ambassador. Initially… he didn’t want to go.” There was deep remorse in the man’s voice.

Rong Hu and Li Er were familiar with their Master’s temperament but for the King to expose his emotions to them they were taken by surprise.

Rong Wang has always been unrestrained but he had fallen deep for the Prince’s allure, completely trapped in the Prince’s trap.

Their Master was not a simple man, after a short episode of repentance he immediately issued his plan.

He commanded, “Ruo Yan will not kill Feng Ming immediately. Whatever he has administered is a slow acting poison. Rong Hu, leave and infiltrate Li. Monitor Ruo Yan’s actions and find out what type of poison has been used. If you discover an antidote, steal it and make your way back. I will return to Xi Rei at god’s send speed to announce the truth to the nations about my birthright. I will ascend the throne as King as a statement to Ruo Yan making it clear that control of Feng Ming doesn’t equate to power over Xi Rei. Li Er, ride the fastest horse back to Xi Rei report to the Queen and ask her to prepare a ceremony for my rise to the throne.”

“Yes, Master.” The brother’s accepted in unison

Rong Wang paused, “Not a word about the Prince’s condition. The Prince has to be kept in the dark. You may go.”

After plotting his plans, the Regent King trudged back to the bedroom.

As he pushed the doors open, Feng Ming’s voice beckoned him.

“Where have you been?” the young man propped himself up on the bed, he was slightly disorientated and he rubbed his eyes wearily.

Rong Wang quickly paced to the bedside and smiled. “Why are awake? It is still dark.”

“I reached for you and only touched the cold sheets. You had disappeared.” Feng Ming nested his head beside Rong Wang’s torso. With a suspicion in his tone, “Did you secretly meet with Mei Ji?”

“You are imagining things.”

The young man giggled.

“If you want to see her, you should visit her openly. I am a dignified man, not a girl who will get jealous.”

“Mei Ji is much older than both you and I, did you not consider the number of years she has reign the world with her title?”

“Oh, then even ‘older sister’ types are your taste? Rong Tian, how can you be so wild?”

Feng Ming tugged at the King’s ear, making the King laugh deeply.

The King’s light response prompted Feng Ming to ask, “What? No refute from you? Aren’t you the best at retorting?”

“Retorting to this statement? You must teach me how to refute my Prince.”

The Prince grumbled and let the gears in his brain churn. Suddenly it hit him.

“You should reply: Youth is wasted if one is not wild.”

“Oh? Youth is wasted if one is not wild.”

The pair spent the remaining dark hours of morn chattering away. The sun’s glow greeted them through the windows.

Rong Wang was determined that from yesterday onwards, the man in his arms will be protected by his own two hands forever.

The envoy departed for Xi Rei the next day, by traveling persistently for four days and nights the party finally returned to the capital of Xi Rei.

Li Er had relayed the King’s order to the Queen, all the necessities for the succession of the throne was ready.

The ceremony commenced as soon as Rong Wang and Feng Ming arrived within the palace.

The nations across the realms were in a big uproar by this controversial news.

Who would have known one of the world’s heroes, Rong Wang was the rightful heir?

In fact, the Crowned Prince An He’s real name was Feng Ming. It was announced that Xi Rei’s previous King had organized a substitute to protect his bloodline.

Ten days later, Rong Tian could finally adorn his rightful crown and status as King of Xi Rei.

Due to Feng Ming’s service to the country, he was bestowed the title of King Ming. Rong Tian’s former residence was granted to the young man, all the riches and antiquities were also passed onto a new master.

Though this was just for show as Feng Ming remained in the Prince’s residence with Chiu Lan and the other maids still in attendance.

Everyone in the court praised Feng Ming, compliments numbers surpassed the amount he received as the ‘Crowned Prince’.

When matters settle down the two Kings could finally reflect.

“Congratulations, this little imposter Prince has finished his task.” Feng Ming beamed.

“Feng Ming, thank you for being by my side.”

Feng Ming felt like vomiting, he waved his hand in dismissal. “Don’t be corny. Even without me around you are more than capable to step up as Xi Rei’s King. An Xun’s challenge would have been a piece of cake for you”

The King stared deeply into Feng Ming’s eyes, “You promised to aid my conquest to unify the lands under the heavens, don’t forget your words.”

The younger King laughed.

“Here I thought you were worried about me. Instead you are just taking advantage of my genuine talents.” He nodded and continued, “Don’t worry, ‘a nobleman’s words are his bonds’.”

“Well, can I have your word? Before I conquer this realm you will never leave my side.”

“Are you afraid I will have a change of heart?” Feng Ming pointed to himself and grumbled in dissatisfaction.

“No,” Rong Tian shook his head and gently replied, “I am afraid you will die.”


Feng Ming landed one square on the King’s eye.

“Are you cursing me? You just became Xi Rei’s King and you want me to croak it already?!”

The King grimaced.

“Aren’t you are becoming more heavy handed?”

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Official Xia rest in peace! You can pester people in heaven. Oh, no…Ruo Yan you are a sly bastard!

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feng yu jiu tian index, feng yu jiu tian volume 2

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