Nov 16, 2010 19:48
Imagine a water, the one that sustains all life. And then imagine a goodness, something that adds beauty and joy to the life. Imagine that the two unites, inseparable, and when it comes, it comes in a gentle, glowing drizzle, refreshingly cool and relieving to a dried, dying soul.
Here is a thought: something good and life-giving, such as hope, happiness, and love, they cannot be as they are in their perfect nature if the receiver cannot take them in properly. It is impossible for them to be good when the condition of the receiver cannot receive them fully and wholly.
A most delicious and nutritious meal in the world cannot be delicious and nutritious to its fullest if the eater is already too full with something else. No, but when the eater is in that perfection condition of hunger and digestive health then the meal would be the perfect gift. A most pure and energizing water cannot be so if the drinker is in the wrong condition to receive it, perhaps already too filled with water mixed with mud that will kill if anything more is received. Perhaps having gone through surgery that it would be harmful for awhile for the body to drink any water, much less nutrients, no matter how fine they may be.
Likewise, the best advice, the kindest word, and the most loving embrace cannot be so if they are underappreciated by the receiver. Even the best kind of hope, dream, and beauty are simply not the best if their beholder cannot see them as what they are.
If someone has a thought, meaning to express it for good, then that thought must be taken well by the receiver in order to remain in its intended good quality. Gently and kindly offering a warm cup of hot cocoa to a bone-chilled, soaked wet, hungry child would be like heaven being on earth. A good and perfect will offered to souls groaning and desiring for such will... what might it look like, I wonder?
As the saying goes, relationship is two-ways. Interaction between and among people are not just one reaching out, but the other also receiving, responding. The key is knowing the time. When the time comes, when the others are appropriately poised to listen, then sing that sweet song, that their spirits may come to life and soar in the sky, singing along in perfect harmony.
Or perhaps that Sweet Song is already singing and has been singing for eons; today--not yesterday, not tomorrow--but today. Will I hear the Voice today? Do I hear it now? I would so much like to reach out my hand, tap into that stream of sound constantly flowing above and around me, and as it generously trickles down from my hand towards me, gulp in that Gentle Life.
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
- Christ Jesus (John 10:27-28)