Ah, Southern Ontario. I haven't really missed you all that much. I spent the first half of July travelling! It was lots of fun :3 Also the reason that I've been MIA for a while (not that I post all that particularly often) First was a vacation to Cape Cod, with my family, and that was great. We didn't have internet there, so I was a bit sad about that, but it was still fun.
I'd been to Cape Cod once before, so this was (obviously) the second time. We stayed a bit closer to Provincetown than last year, in a cottage along the beach on the bay side. We watched the Fourth of July fireworks from the beach~~ it was fantastic. And holy crap, does America go all out for his birthday. Every store or restaurant or even town that we passed on the way there was completely decorated and everything. And then we watched the Boston celebrations on tv when we got back to the cottage and it was just ffffffff ridiculous all the stuff they did. And then the fireworks, and they were set to patriotic songs and stuff, and then they played "God Bless America" (I think) and it was Céline Dion, and I was like "hey you're Canadian!" and it was kind of weird. Haha, and they did a patriotic sing along too, which was kind of cool, though I didn't know hardly any of the songs. But it was so awkward when it started up because there was this huge swell of music and I was like:
"God Save the Queen?!"
And I was thoroughly confused until I realised that it was an American patriotic song set to the same tune. I was so excited (yet so confused) for a minute.
grosse_averse you understand, don't you? We Anglophiles need to stick together. Also I found our commemorative plate for Prince Charles and Lady Diana's wedding. I was like, why is this stuffed in a drawer in a cupboard?! D:
And so in addition to being awed at America's pride in himself (we hardly celebrate Canada Day, I feel so sad sometimes. D:), we did a whole bunch of other stuff. It was so hot along the whole east coast though, that it was hard to do much of anything that was strenuous. We went to the beach and acted like tourists a lot. (Well, we were tourists XD) Going out at low tide was fun, I got to see all kinds of little sea creatures. There were lots of crabs all around, both hermit crabs and regular crabs, and there were schools of fish (one of which followed me for an hour) and little shrimps, and sea snails, and jelly fish and all sorts. It was fantastic :3 And then I got a sunburn, haha.
And we just sort of relaxed, and went to the Atlantic side several times (where the beach was nicer, but the waves were stronger. And more fun) and hung out in Provincetown at night, and played cards with my sister, and that was about it. Oh, and 13 hour drives to get there and back.
And then! And then, a few days after we got home, I headed out to Montreal. Which turned out to be probably the best thing I've done in a long time. I went over to visit
grosse_averse for the first time! And ended up staying at her apartment and it could have been very weird and awkward but thankfully it was fantastic. I also got to meet people like
o0litodreamer0o and others who were all from Alberta and I was this lonely little Ontario girl who had no idea what some of the things were that they were talking about. But other than me being kind of dumb and weirded out by strance French men who try to kiss you when they first meet you, it was smashing.
I don't think we did half the things we set out to do, but we did a whole bunch of things that weren't planned. I didn't even get to a museum, which was really kind of sad, but there will be lots of other opportunities! We went clubbing and we walked around Mont Royal, and went on a carriage ride of Old Montreal and to the Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal, and had a picnic, and saw some weeping angels, and didn't blink, and we went antiquing and to O.Noir, and this is such a run on sentence. Also we wrote crackfic and watched Boston Legal and laughed uproariously and made cookies. And we went to this cafe called Benelux, which is just fantastic in and of itself, and we had a pitcher of Sangria (there were four of us at the time) and
grosse_averse and I were totally done after three glasses. Oh, the price of being British. At least we don't have to spend a lot to get smashed, eh?
It was only four days, but they were probably the most awesome four days in like, ever. We'll always have Montréal!
Next time you lovelies have to come down here and we can go to Toronto and Niagara Falls and visit things like the Metro Toronto Zoo, and the ROM and the Shoe Museum and we can go for tea in downtown Dundas and be very old fashioned and stuff and it will be great.