Oct 29, 2004 17:53
damn, i feel like im sick again!! w/e so today was a.o.k? in 1st period, she actually taught. damn, that was a chanqe! lol. in homeport, we qot candy! =) 2nd period lasted FOREVER! we took a quiz (which i prolly failed!) & then he tlked & tlked & tlked..i sware he was qettinq like sutton! ahh..not again! lol..then lunch was borinq..i was doinq this history outline that took forever! & i still didnt finish it in lunch! then 4th period was ok, we went outside & did some compass activity that i really didnt care for! in 6th period, she collected the outline (that i did finally finish lol) & then she presented a power point that took FOREVER! ooh, then she handed out candy =) omg, if i see more candy, i sware im gunna barf! then after skool, i took my sister to swimminq practice..blah blah..so now im home & im not qoinq out toniqht, but i prolly will be tomorrow to the movies (i wanna see the grudge!) =) then sunday, im qoinq to a halloween fiesta! lol =)
i qot quoted for the YEARBOOK today =) ahh! sooo kool lol & i qot my picture taken too!! woo hoo!! lol
people take this halloween thinq too seriously at skool. people were dressed up in these costumes that had so much detail & everythinq had to be perfect..damn man, give it a rest! we are 16 & 17 years old! not 6 & 7! i mean, its kool that you kinda qet dressed up, but everybody put so much detail & work in to it..i was like damn man, do u have a life?! lol
im outies <333
Happy Halloween =)