Dec 20, 2007 01:06
Why? Why do we live the way that we do, glorifying in self indulgence. Why did anyone see the need to take a plant, burn it, and breathe in the smoke, discovering marijuana, why did that chemist whatever his name is feel the need to create mdma, and why do so many people worldwide feel the need to put the poisonous and addictive drug nicotine into their bodies. And why do I?
I hate drugs, I really do, I think they're the most horrible thing that has happened to our species ever. I don't see the need to escape into a different version of reality, I know why people see the need, but why does it have to be that way. Why is the world so fucked up in every single way, and why can't anyone do anything to stop it.
The human race is self destructing. I hate how when we have so much potential for greatness, all we do is poison ourselves with addictive substances and war amongst each other killing in the name of some stupid cause or some god who might not even exist.
In the same way that a your body will overheat and shut down when flooded too heavily with viruses and diseases, the planet we live on is overheating and shutting down because it's overwhelmed with life. Ever wonder why when the polar ice caps are melting, half the world is in drought? Did you know our bodies are made up of 70% water? With every day the population grows, and with every day more water is being stored away, locked inside the body of some kid who'll probably throw their life away and never aspire to anything greater than either the ultimate indulgence, or doing drugs all the time.
The other day on the train some kid came up and started talking to me, he looked about 16 but was probably younger. He was absolutely smashed, completely off his face, probably doesn't even remember our conversation, at his age, he has already, on more than one occasion, tried ecstasy, marijuana, speed, crystal meth, lsd, and heroin. He told me that to support his habit, he steals from his family, he breaks into houses at least once a week, mugs people, he told me he'd even held up a service station once.
I can't believe that someone could be so incredibly unhappy with their life that they would revert to such a lifestyle just so that they can escape reality on a daily basis. Even though I was kind of in his situation once, I didn't do drugs every day, and I never stole from anyone to support my habit. And yes I do smoke pot occasionally, but it's not an escape so much as a relaxation thing for me, it helps me think. Anyway, this whole post is about just another one of those things that makes me feel so badly about the world I'm a part of and know that no matter what I do, I can't escape from it.