Dec 30, 2006 00:40
So the obligatory post of "what I got for Christmas" has arrived.. it's a few days late but.. meh! It has been a good break thus far, lots of sleeping-in til noon goodness indeed. So for Christmas I got an MP3 player (years later.. I'm technologically slow.. shut up), which also came with the FM transmitter so I can play it in my car - awesome. I got a bunch of clothes (couple pairs of jeans, various shirts, a sweater or two.. some long tank tops), some DVDs (Full House Season 3, Degrassi Jr High Season 2, Walk the Line, Napoleon Dynamite, Elizabethtown, and Little Mermaid), some things from the body shop, too much chocolate (I guess there can never really be TOO much), new housecoat (with slippers, and it's super soft).. I duno I can't think of what else but lots of goodies regardless. So my sister (Amanda) leaves tomorrow afternoon to go back to St. John's, err.. technically today I guess! She was only home for 9 days because she's a loser (well.. by loser I mean, actually works, yea). Not too much else is new I guess, I'm heading to bed soon, quite possibly after watching some Degrassi, who knows! LOL. I definitely think my 20th Century Canadian History prof should hurry up with marking-ness, as that is the only class I haven't received my mark in for the Fall term. I'm really excited for an English class I'm taking this winter, American Film.. the first film we study? The Lion King! Haha.. it's fantastic really. So I also put in for my transfer to Fredericton for the Fall of 2007, and my case is "under review" or something to that effect, transfer me bitches! I hate SJ.. well, not hate, but I'm bored to tears, basically. I'm sick of taking American history because it's the same prof and the same thing, over and over. There's only so many times you can learn about something before you wish you could be in the Civil War so you wouldn't have to listen to the prof talk about it. It's sad, haha. Anyways, I believe I've managed to ramble sufficiently, and that Degrassi is indeed calling my name! I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas! Have a Happy New Year (I hate it, really.. because it means for the next two months I will be writing 2006 and scratching it out realize as I put the 6 down that "DAMMIT! It's 2007!"), but it's a good party-time regardless. And besides, nothing is worse than going from 1999 to 2000, that was dreadful. At least no one fears we're going to die or that the world is going to blow up or something equally ridiculous. Anyways.. dear gawd, I'm off! Hahaha.. Ciao!
Until next time..