Sep 01, 2005 20:49
Imma so torn into pieces my puppy is dying aww aint that so sad I hope he makes it I love em and dunno what imma do without em:(
Well I have not updated for a while well since tha first day of school but oh well I aint had time but it has really been tha same ol thing everday school homework boyz and that is bout it lol
I am still in love with em that is one thing that I think is never gonna change hmm I jus wish he felt tha same for me as I do for him it breaks my heart and jus shatters it into pieces but like they all say there is one day that will come and he will realize that he messed up and then imma be over em I am startin to like someone for tha first time since me and em was together I never thought that I would like anyone else but hmm it aint like that but he is cute I jus dont see me with anyone else besides em
School is goin pretty good so far but I dont like gettin up early !! But that is Life ya gotsta deal with it
Well that is all for today I love yunz and when somethhing good happens imma holler
*IAEGER PLAYS BIG CREEK TOMORROW* Hmm we aint got no prob beatin then lol