Feb 24, 2009 09:40
01. I call myself: Jeni
02. I am this old: 27, almost 28
03. I hate it when: It's too hot outside x.x
04. I love it when: It snows :3
05. My favorite thing to drink is: Pepsi, or Raspberry tea
06. My favorite food is: Reeces? lol
07. I am this tall: 5 foot, 2 inches
08. I weigh this much: Over 200, all you need to know
09. My favorite shoes to wear are: Anything comfy
10. My favorite article of clothing is: Jeans and my Jacket
11. When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is: Go pee!
12. The last thing I do before I go to bed is: Read from a book
Shower Time:
01. I take baths or showers: Showers are nicer
02. My favorite soap to use is: I don't use soap, I use body washes :3 from Bath and Body Works
03. I use this shampoo: Typically I use Suave
04. I use this conditioner: Same
05. I use a comb or a brush: Brush
06. I blow dry my hair or let it air dry: It has to air dry
07. I use this kind of shaving gel/cream: I don't use any
08. My toothpaste is: Anything whitening
09. My toothbrush is this color: Blue, green and white
10. I like hot or cold showers: Scolding hot, according to Sean
11. What I think about in the shower: What I'm going to do AFTER the shower ;3
12. My favorite thing about the shower is: It's relaxing and allows my mind to wonder
13. I listen to this kind of music when in the shower: none
14. I lock the bathroom door when in the shower: None
Elementary School:
01. My mom drove me to school or I rode the bus: I rode the bus
02. I went to kindergarten and my teacher’s name was: Hell if I remember her name ...
03. My favorite teacher was: Mrs. Rosenberg
04. My least favorite teacher was: Mr. Capalein
05. My first field trip was to: A petting Farm :3
06. My favorite field trip was to: The Zoo (I don't recall which one it was, tho)
07. What I remember most about elementary school is: Being beaten up every day -.-
08. I attended this elementary school: McCoullough
High School:
01. My favorite subject in high school was: English
02. My favorite teacher(s) was/were: Mrs. Tascionne
03. My least favorite teacher(s) was/were: I forget his name, but he locked me in his office >_<
04. We had this many class periods: 4 or 5 ... I forget.
05. My favorite activity in high school: Gym Class. That's an activity, right? lol
06: I was in the band and I played: N/A
07. I did marching band and was in squad number(s): N/A
08. I was in this school play(s): N/A
09. I was in this crowd at school: The "Special" Crowd
10. I had detention this many times: 2 times
11. I drove to school: Never -_- Mom wouldn't let me
12. I skipped class this many times: Hell if I ever kept count.
13. I was always late for class: Maybe a few times
14. Best friend in high school: Melissa and Cheyanna
15. Name the guys/girls you dated: Allen, Mike
16. Name the guys/girls you wanted to date: Ryan >_>
17. I went to prom with: Mike
18. I went to this many football games: I never went to a football game
19. My favorite trip was: To Three Little Bakers Dinner Theater :3
20. I was in the principal’s office this many times: 3 times
21. What I miss most about high school: Routine and Easiness
22. What I don’t miss at all about high school: Writing Reports x.x
23. I will/was remembered for: Honestly don't know, and don't care
24. I graduated in: 1999
25. I was _ out of _ in my class: I used to know, I forget now.
26. My GPA was: Senior year I held a pretty solid 3.0 to 3.5
27. I went to this high school: Delcastle Vo-Tech
01. I still write letters and mail them out: Sometimes
02. I spend this much time online a day: At least 8 hours, since I'm not working atm
04. My favorite place to travel to is: No Where
05. My favorite phrase is: The Answer is Purple
06. My favorite quote is: "It's not Rape, it's sex you didn't know you wanted"
08. I live in a(n) house, trailer, apartment, townhouse, condo: House
09. I’ve always wanted to own one of these: A horsey :3
10. My most treasured item is: My Computer >_>
11. My goals in life are: Not die until I'm at least 80
12. My favorite sport to watch is: Ice Skating and Volly Ball
13. The friend I couldn’t live without: Not answering this one x.x
14. I collect this/these: Empty Lighters ... o.o
15. This is on my walls: Paint
16. The thing that drives me completely crazy is: the sound of teeth scraping against metal utensils >_