Just a quick picspam of crappy screencaps and a bit of summary from Sxephil and Charlie's talks today. (Mostly Charlie, because, uh, he's Charlie.)
John and Sxephil cuddling on the interview couch. AWWW.
Charlie announced that ‘charlieissocoollike’ will be ending… when he dies. He loves vlogging so much that he’s considered having a kid and naming it ‘Charlie’ regardless of gender and forcing them to make videos on his channel after he dies.
Asked to choose between getting to meet The Doctor (from Doctor Who) and falling in love, Charlie chose falling in love, which resulted in an obligatory ‘aww’ from the audience.
Charlie intends on keeping his hair red. (Which I'm pretty happy about.)
Charlie asked wheezywaiter and the Gregory Brothers to make videos with him.
And then asked John and Hank to come on stage...
...and asked them to ask Ze Frank if he would make a video with him.
After the charming question: "Will you please take your pants off?"
Cue "You Sexy Thing" playing on Vidcon speakers.
(Also, cue me feeling like a perv for screencapping it for this picspam.)
Charlie explained the presence of a second pair of (extremely tight) jeans under the pants he'd taken off by saying that he wouldn't take his pants off in such a respectable arena.
John notifying Charlie that he could only answer two more questions.
Charlie: "I will not be throwing my pants into the audience."
Hank: "British pants are very expensive."
ETA: I won't be around any computers tonight, so if anyone is watching any of the talks tonight or the all-important DFTBA concert, they're welcome to screencap it and post it here for our viewing pleasure! :D