Tonight was my going away party. Strange thing that I honestly expected. Maybe about half of the people who said they would be there were actually there. A few people gave legitimate reasons as to why they were not there, such having something come up last minute or just flat out being out of state and not being able to make the drive, which is completely understandable. Everyone else gave nothing. I haven't heard from them, and I probable won't hear from them. I know they probably weren't really good enough friends to begin with. A good friend would probably try to show up or at least even try to say something...anything.
Like I said. A few people called or messaged me in some way. The majority I still haven't heard from, and it's not like there's another chance for me to really go out and see people. This was most people's last chance to really honestly see me. You can literally consider me gone after this post. I'm outty five thoutty.
By the way, I haven't posted anything there yet, but I'm gonna be posting to my new blog while I'm gone because it seems quite a bit more interesting than this one. It is... So check back on there for updates every once in awhile. I I actually care about you and added you to my list of people who want to know I'm still alive, you're probably going to see this message again and get more frequent updates. For everyone else, there's my blog. Enjoy!