Woe and Jubilation

Mar 03, 2009 21:40

God: Hmm...You know, that Chris fellow...He seems entirely too happy. He's also having a good day. Too good a day. We can't be having that. I have to ruin this. I simply cannot be having this guy happy. It's not proper. Now, I have to think. How can I ruin his day?

Jesus: Well we usually mess with him by messing with his car.

God: Oh yes! That's right! A window messed up here, the headlights messed up there, a rock out of nowhere, he hates that. Lets mess with his tires this time, and make it so he has to wait a whole day to get them fixed.

Jesus: Brilliant!

Chris takes his car in, annoyed that it is messed up but accepting of the fact that he needs to pick it up the next day and spend the ridiculous moneys required to fix any car problem. He continues on, smiling, flicking off God on the side.

God: God Damnit, it wasn't enough!

Jesus: Hey hey, don't take your own name in vain.

God: Sorry, it's just frustrating seeing him still doing well. I need to destroy him. This is unacceptable.

Jesus: His resilience factor has gone up more over the years. I think it will take more than a car problem now, especially since he just power leveled his resilience substantially.

God: Yes, I'll have to take that into account. I will have to mess with something almost more dear to him than his car. His laptop. It was supposed to have been dealt with weeks ago with an angry call to tech support by his friend. It was supposed to be on its way to the right place this time, fixed, and at long last sent back. I'll mess with that! Lets just pretend that didn't happen and cancel that, so that it wasn't dealt with. Now he'll have to deal with the mess all over again!

Jesus: You're a genius!

God: I'm God, what do you expect?

Jesus: Fair enough, lets watch the scene that takes place.

Chris calls the technical support of Gateway Computers, checking in on his laptop and hoping all is well and taken care of. Instead he comes to discover that there is no record of anything being done. It is like he never dealt with the problem and has to do it all over again. He begins getting a little frustrated. He sighs, stress visibly showing in the gesture and continues on the phone with technical support, who really seem to be a network of incompetent louts. He gets put on hold for so long he gets tempted to hang up at some points but perseveres. He finally gets to a competent tech who offers him help. He informs the poor man that his computer has been unwittingly lost. The tech detects sorrow in the man and tells him the good part, that Gateway is going to offer him a new and better computer. The boy pulls his head up. He goes through the process of having it shipped to him and hangs up the phone, two hours after he started the call. He smiles.

God: Screw it, I give in. Let the man have his day.

Jesus: Yeah, you can't touch that. He's too happy. We'll just let him be.

End fun story time.

So there you have it. I was having a pretty good day for no reason in particular, and then I took my car in for a front wheel alignment. It turned out it was much overdue and I did not realize it, so now my car needs a new factory part and two new tires, which will cost me a shiny penny. It also leaves me car-less for a day, and attached to my truck until I get it back. I have a friend or two who are willing to take me tomorrow to get it picked up, and so I'll have it back then thankfully. After I got home, I called Gateway Tech support about my laptop, hoping for good news. I was on the phone for two hours with them. I think I was on hold in that time for about 45-50 minutes of it. It turned out that after they already had me send it to the wrong place, it was lost at said wrong place. Then they offered me a new laptop, which actually seems a hell of a lot better than my old one! I would approximate that it is all around four times better than my old one, and that is awesome. I assented to the offer and now have to wait (God I'm sick of waiting. I hope it's worth it) another month or so for my new one, but I finally do not have to deal with Gateway Tech Support anymore.

Oh, and I did smile in the end. I'm still happy. I would hazard to say that good things happen eventually, you just have to be patient enough for them. I have plenty of patience.


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