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Slaves·to·the·Box, &
Sons·of·Krypton It's the weirdest thing that the logo for the WB is in the lower right corner considering that this show is on The CW. I suspect the toon was setup before the WB & UPN was slapped together but whatever the case The Legion of Superheroes is now on The CW, Saturday mornings, at 10am.
1st episode involves members of the Legion (Brainiac, Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy) going into the past before Clark Kent learned to fly but had a number of his other abilities, because they want to recruit him as a member. He's resistant till he learns that they can return him just seconds after they leave.
This Clark Kent has been using his speed and strength and enhances senses to prevent disasters in Smallville but he's never thought about being a superhero. The problem is that they all know him as Superman and he's not quite there yet; avoidance of the label Superboy considering the lawsuit.
The part that really raised an eyebrow with me was when Clark panicked and ran away from the Legion, one of their members was taunting him because he wasn't measuring up to the legend of Superman that they'd all been raised with, and winds up in front of the Superman museum.
I don't remember exactly but the Legion live in the 30th Century or thereabouts. The guy giving Clark a hard time is Lightning Lad, which is weird as his personality is much more like Ultraboy's; LL was usually the level headed one. Anyway, the reason that Clark was dragged to the past was to help the Legion against the Fatal Five.
Ironically I found this show on, though I was aware it was coming I didn't know when, because I was following a hunch of when The Batman was supposed to be. With the swtichover of stations and programs I wasn't sure where it was anymore...or when.
Problems: The 1st comics I ever read were before I was 10 years old, visiting my relatives in Virginia, were the Legion. They had stacks upon stacks of them (from the first series) and Superboy was a member of the team, in a scenario not to unlike this. It's just weird having be on the team as Superman when all the other members have names denoting youth: boy, lad, girl, lass, etc.
Lightning Lad is...well you read that part above.
Braniac is much more of a machine than I've seen him anywhere, possibile exception of his 20th Century counterpart. He can atually morph into a much more robotic form that stinks of anime big bot stuff.
There's a member of the team whose name I can't remember; she splits into 3 of herself. In every other version of this series I've come across, all 3 of her self have always looked identical...here they come in different colors.