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Sons·of·Krypton, &
ubergeeks Wednesday after work I headed out with the strong desire to go see a hero onscreen fight evil with that swirl of his costume in the breeze. I'll be able to see that later tonight (it's still Wednesday for me), at 10pm on Spike TV, when Blade the Series makes its debut. Until then...on with my not talking about a certain guy in a red cape on a huge screen.
7:24 PM 6/28/06 · I had a general beef with the whole Infinite Crisis series, though it was more what was supposed to follow it than anything else. First off, it should've been a few issues longer but that's not the worst of it. After it was supposed to come a number of issues with the stamp 1 Year Later on them. Unfortunately, they came out around the same time as the final two issues of the series so I knew that Superboy was going to die before he did and that Superman was going to lose his powers. I didn't know precisely when but it seemed likely to be a significant part of the rest of IC.
That and I'm a bit worried about Robin's continued attepts to clone a new Superboy from genetic samples taken from the corpse. No good can come from that...though I take some comfort his process is so flawed that he's on 49 tries and counting and each one's been a failure before a viable fetus ever came to term.
It's what's going on with the Man of Steel that's really interesting to me. A little walk down memory lane first:
- Technically, given the actual history of comics, Kal·L of Earth 2 was the first Superman. Active during World War 2, used to actually leap over buildings before he worked out flying, and the most powerful superhero ever.
- A lot of this continued over to the Earth 1 version but after the Crisis On Infinite Earths it was deemed that Superman (Earth 1) was far too powerful so gradually, a couple history revisions here and there, they made him a tad more vulnerable and his powers a bit more basic.
- Basic as in the fact that Superman was reduced to being nigh invulnerable, very strong but not planet moving strong, heat vision, super breath, and the usual varied collection of super senses.
- Both Supermen, Kal·El & Kal·L, took Superboy Prime through the red sun of Krypton in order to drain his powers and defeat him. Kal·L died and Kal·El had a year of just being Clark Kent.
- Other heroes tried to rouse some semblance of his former powers, he was even offered a Green Lantern ring, but ultimately Kal·El just accepted that he was going to have no powers anymore and became very happy as Clark. You know, being a reporter, quality time with the wife, getting a signal watch to call other heroes into save his bacon periodically. Good times.
- Not surprisingly, being out in the daylight gradually brought Superman's powers back. Just imagine how much faster if he lived in California...
...and this is where things have gotten decidedly interesting. If the whole key to Superman was that he was the most powerful hero in the world, admittedly with certain imposed limits, apparently that's not the order of the day anymore.
The limits I mean.
Not only has his powers returned...they're gradually increasing to higher levels than before. I think that whatever it was that made the writers decide to put a muzzle on his abilities no longer applies. The leash is gone, the barriers no longer exist; Kal·El is hearing things more sensitively than he did before, on a level that Kal·L no doubt used to. It's just a matter of time before he's all that he was originally supposed to be and then I suspect the old abilities will return as well.
Which is a pity because I was never a huge fan of super ventriloquism.
Oh, back to the whole "not reviewing Superman Returns" thing...which should be easy as I won't be seeing the movie till Friday, don't you find it interesting that Lex Luthor's plans during the year between IC and 1 Year Later was the gathering of all that kryptonite? I'm not entirely sure what he did did with it but it's very interesting to me that he gained control of the Kryptonian crystalline technology...
...which I'm sure isn't even slightly similar to anything in the movie. It's also interesting to me that Supes has seemed to have made an alteration in his costume. The S·emblem is shiny now like it's not a sewn part of the uniform anymore...
...which, I'm sure, is not even remotely similar to the movie version.
I'm going to go now.