Threesome plus one equals foursome (Part 3)

Mar 04, 2012 15:34

Threesome plus one equals foursome

Pairing: Éomer/Faramir/Éowyn/Lothíriel

Genre: Slash, Femslash, Het

Rating: NC-17 Adult

Disclaimer: Pure Fiction. Characters belong to Tolkien estate. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: Éowyn plans to marry off her brother. Faramir needs some convincing to approve the plan.

Previous  12

Éowyn rushed after her, cradled and comforted her. )


character:faramir, genre:slash, genre:femslash, character:lothiriel, rating:nc-17, genre:het, fandom:lotr fpf, character:eomer, character:eowyn, rating:adult, type:fan fiction

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