U1 - Retribution [Chapter #7 - Part 10 / FINAL]

Mar 02, 2012 11:03

U1 - Universe 1

Pairing: Gene Tom Rovings - an Astrophysicist, Ex- Spy and Bounty hunter/Hank Sue Branma - an Ex Lieutenant General and Astronomer and Ex Convict.

Peer Tom Tenge Rovings - clone of Gene and son to Gene and Hank.

Ash Kenu Branma - clone of Hank and son to Gene and Hank.

Others: Harrizane Blunk - a Bounty Hunter and Ex Convict/Doctor Cyril Rainshar, Astral-biologist and Master of Engineering.

MEng Haim van Wedd - former Technical Leader on Rhea/Liam C. Kennel - pirate and murderer with an arrest warrant on his head, formerly known as Professor Kain McNeell.

Professor Viggo Ewan Hu - Leader of the science team on Rhea.

Peter T. Verrute - Merchant from U7, friend of Hank.

Genre: Slash

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Word Count: 1227

Summary: New AU. Pure Fiction.

Gene and Ash are working at the science laboratory. After the attack on Gene, Hank and Peer are trying hard to find the person responsible. The befriended bounty hunters close in on the assassin. Meanwhile Professor Viggo returns with some news.

Comments will be very much appreciated.

Beta’ed by my very good friend ingrid44*. All mistakes are mine as always.

Time - Last decade of the 15th Millennium


A/N: So far all extraterrestrial species names in this story are taken from this source. With the exception of Harrizane Blunk's new formed specie the Pseudo-homosapiens greyensis.

All character names are made from anagrams. For a list of all characters so far please click here.

Previous chapters

Chapter #7: Part 1; Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5; Part 6 Part 7; Part 8Part 9

Chapter #7 - Part 10 / FINAL )


Author’s Note

The closing of this chapter will be the end to this story. I will try to think of some new adventures for the guys and eventially pick it up again under a new title. But there is nothing in the making so far.

As this had been my very first attempt on a SciFi story I really would appreciate to get some feedback from you guys, telling me if it worked or not. And if yes or no what it was that you liked/hated the most.

To create this UNIVERSE was fun and a lot of work at the same time. But I enjoyed the journey very much. I also like to thank my friend ingrid44 who stepped in to edit and mend my biggest mistakes. However if there are still mistakes occurring they are definitely mine.

I like to thank all the readers (the ones that commented and the ones that didn’t) that they were continiuing to follow me “boldly where I never had gone before.”


genre:slash, rating:pg-13, rating:nc-17, fandom:lotr rpf, actor:viggo mortensen, actor:sean bean, rating:various, type:fan fiction

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