The Stone Amulet - Eyes Front 3/4

Sep 24, 2011 13:00


Imagine two souls meant to seek out and find each other over the eons of time, from their first meeting in the infancy of mankind to the present day, when humanity seems bent on self-destruction.

In those early days, one of them finds for the other a gift, strong enough to survive the afflictions of time and the perils of life; to overcome and endure, like the love for which it is a symbol. Through the ages it will be the talisman, which unites and protects them in each incarnation.

These are the chronicles of  The Stone Amulet and although we will start at the beginning, the tales we tell will not afterwards be in chronological order.

Fics written in this verse:

In the Beginning
The Badge
The Japanese Puzzle Box
No Man is an Island
Amantes sunt Amentes
Silk Stockings
Étude pour Quatre Mains
Secrets in the Sand

Title: Eyes Front 3/4
Pairing: Sean/Viggo
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU
mooms and
Summary: Sean and Viggo, both in the army, are sent on a mission in Iraq
Disclaimer: Written for fun, not for profit and all dirty lies.

Part one Part two

“Would you rather we had been playing with something else?”

genre:slash, fandom:lotr rpf, rating:nc-17, actor:viggo mortensen, actor:sean bean, type:fan fiction

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