Title: Fortune
foxraferFandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Viggo/Bean/Cate/Miranda/David/Billy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: A bit of license with personal life timelines, perhaps. Slash/femslash implied.
Warnings: [If you need something dark, skip this one.]
Summary: Ten years after.
Notes: Request was "Would love a return to New Zealand after filming; if FPS would love to see something set in one of the towns not heavily featured in the story in either Gondor or Rohan." I did my best, love.
Billy flies in with Sean. It's pretty much the way it has to be- Billy will fly anywhere (especially if there's good surfing) but Sean. . . well. Suffice it to say, he'd rather walk from Sheffield to Queensland than fly. That they have to change planes in Hong Kong doesn’t help- not enough time between flights to go explore, but enough time hanging about in the airport for Sean to start fretting again.
So Billy matches him drink for drink until Sean's loosened up enough to sleep, then practices the three new songs Beecake is working on for awhile until he's satisfied that he's got the progressions down and the fingering right. Hooray for virtual instruments, he thinks, stretching the first-class seat all the way flat, checking to be sure Sean's still asleep before closing his own eyes "Just for a minute".
Sean shakes him awake about an hour out of Christchurch. They can see out the window of the plane the earthquake damage. Each had donated something to help- time, money, something for auction.
Billy's amused that it's Queenstown they'll be staying in- or near. He'd lobbied for somewhere with ocean surfing but been over-ruled by the fishermen (Sean, Viggo) and the hiking enthusiasts (Dave, Miranda) and by Cate, who'd said "Seven days of peace and quiet, and a spa? I'll take it." So Matakauri on the Glenorchy-Queenstown road it is, and what the others don't know is that he'll be river surfing, and finding out why there's a small part of Queenstown called Boydtown. Distant relations, maybe. He doubts he'll get Dave out on the rapids with him, but Viggo might be egged into it, or Sean.
The plane lands. Billy and Sean thank the crew, get their carry-on luggage and disembark, pick up their check-ins, and go through customs. There's a bit of surreptitious photo-snapping while they wait for their bags, but nothing after that, and they make it to the car-hire desk nearly without incident.
“Over here,” a familiar voice says. Dave. “Thought you’d be tired, so I came to pick you up.”
“Not at all,” says Billy. “Beat,” says Sean. They hug, three-way, all huge grins.
“Let me carry something,” says Dave. They each hand him their check-ins, laughing at his expression.
The lodge is spectacular. Quiet, newly opened. Three deluxe suites booked, all outlying, all secluded, all in a row. They can walk back and forth between them without being watched from the main lodge. And that’s the plan. Spend a little time with each other, in whatever way they wish.
Miranda and Cate are in the one nearest the lodge. Dave and Billy take the one in the middle, and Viggo’s already in the one at the end, barefoot, planning his fishing for tomorrow and hoping Sean will be over the flight and ready to come play. Pity there’s not a kitchen in any of the suites but tomorrow he can talk the chef into cooking them for him. He’s brought poles & gear. There’s so much of New Zealand they never got to see: he plans to see as much of this area as he can while he’s here, this time. Maybe they’ll all go riding up in the forest- he’ll ask at dinner, if he remembers.
They meet for dinner in the lodge, in one of the private dining spaces. There’s plenty of wine, local organic produce and gourmet cheeses, grass-fed free-range beef and lamb. They pull out their phones and share photos- Cate’s sons, Henry’s graduation, Jack taking his first steps. Sean’s got one of his girls singing for his ringtone. Miranda’s daughter and Dave’s girls send each other letters. Dave’s oldest collects stamps, and everyone promises to send her something special for her collection. It’s after midnight by the time they finish.
They retire to Cate and Miranda’s suite, two bottles of wine in hand. Viggo’s brought a guitar. He and Billy sing, trading verses of Childe ballads and Motown classics (“How sweet it is to be loved by you/It’s like sugar, baby”] The others clap along and wince when Viggo gets carried away improvising. Sean recites poetry and talks rugby with Dave. Cate brushes Miranda’s hair, Miranda does Cate’s nails. It’s all comfortably familiar, and at the same time quite electric. Perhaps no one will have sex with anyone else. Perhaps old desires will be rekindled, old wishes finally granted. Tonight, it doesn’t matter. Tonight, the first of seven, they’re just friends together, celebrating their good fortune in each other. It means more than words can say, to be with people one can trust with one's whole heart.
a/n Thanks to
alliwantisanelf and
stormatdusk for research and encouragement.
Childe BalladsClassic MotownMatakauri Lodge River Surfing