Fic: Anything you want (9/9) SB/VM NC-17

Feb 01, 2010 16:33

Title: Anything you want
Type: RPS
Author: Miss Ivory
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: VM/SB, OB/KU
Warning: none
Disclaimer: So not true! Just my dirty imagination. Don't know them, don't own them, don't make money from it
Feedback: as always, much appreciated (
Beta: my kindred naughty spirit
Summary: You can never have enough first time stories... Pure fluff

Chapter 7

The Brit turned serious. “But what I really want…” his voice trailed off and he blushed.

Despite the pleasure that surged through him, Viggo managed to note this reaction. Interesting, he thought. “But you really want … what?” he prompted.

A steady green gaze met a questioning blue one. “I really want you to fuck me.”

Viggo’s heart skipped a beat. He knew he had heard correctly, but he still had to be sure.


“I really want you to fuck me,” Sean repeated, tightening his grip around Viggo’s erection.

Viggo stilled his hand with his own. He couldn’t risk making this decision with the wrong part of his body.  He didn’t know why he was surprised by that request. Sean Bean never did anything halfway, he knew that. But still. After all, the man had just had his prostate touched for the first time. Maybe this was a bit fast…

Unconsciously mimicking one of Sean’s habits, Viggo licked at his lip. “You’ve never done this before, have you?”

“I want to do ‘this’ with you,” Sean answered, his gaze never faltering.

“You know it’s going to hurt, right?"

Sean propped himself up on one elbow, so he could gaze down onto his hesitant lover, half amused, half impatient.
“Do you want me to beg?”

Viggo let the image of a begging Sean do a little extra turn on the catwalk of his mind then reluctantly stored it away for later use.
With a grin that was just a dash away from being evil, he pulled the blond down for a tender kiss. “Not tonight.”

He managed to roll on top of Sean without breaking the kiss. Blindly he reached for the lube and popped the lid open. When he finally had to come up for air, he squeezed a generous amount of lubricant on his hand and coated his fingers. Again he caught the Brit’s mouth in a heated kiss, while reaching down between his legs.

The first digit slid in easily enough, and although Sean’s breathing hitched and he tensed at the still unfamiliar intrusion he immediately relaxed again, even deepening the kiss.

Viggo gently moved his finger, giving Sean the time to adjust. When the Brit started to unconsciously meet his tiny thrusts and softly moaned into the kiss, Viggo decided it was time for the next step. He broke the kiss to carefully watch Sean’s reaction as he added a second finger.

The younger man frowned and bit his lip.

“Shhh, it’s okay. Relax, breathe,” Viggo soothed.

And Sean did.

#It still felt strange, but as Viggo carefully curled his fingers, pure, hot pleasure surged through Sean’s body and he arched up with a load moan.

Viggo echoed the moan. He could hardly wait to feel this tight heat wrapped around his straining erection.

“That’s it,” Viggo whispered before he brushed over that spot again, pushing Sean even higher. The American gently scissored his fingers, stretching his lover wider. For a second, the blond furrowed his brow again, but he still pushed back against Viggo’s hand.

“God, you’re beautiful like this,” Viggo breathed.

To his surprise, Sean laughed at that. “Don’t you dare get your camera,” he joked.

Viggo took the opportunity to add a third finger. “Cheeky, aren’t you?” he grinned as Sean gasped at this new sensation.

This time, it took Sean longer to adjust. While two fingers had felt strange, but increasingly good, the third digit was almost painful, stretching him like never before.

Viggo saw the conflicting feelings on his lover’s face.

“You’re doing great,” he assured him. He used his free hand to caress the blond’s smooth chest, teasing the nipples into hardness before slowly gliding down.

Sean’s cock was still spent from his earlier climax, but it re-awakened to Viggo’s soft touch. The blond’s features relaxed as he concentrated on the pleasure and managed to block out the pain.

Satisfied with his lover’s reaction to his ministrations, Viggo slowly but steadily scissored his fingers again. Sean hissed, but at the same time gently caught Viggo’s lower lip between his teeth, stealing yet another kiss.

Angling his fingers, Viggo brushed over Sean's sweet spot again. The loud groan this caused shot right to Viggo's groin.

Unable to ignore his own needs any longer, Viggo prayed that Sean was ready for him.

“I need to have you now,” he gasped.

Sean swallowed, but slowly nodded. “Just take it slow.”

“You’re not having second thoughts now, are you?” Viggo asked, offering Sean one last chance to back out.

Sean smiled and gently cupped Viggo’s cheek with his hand. The darker man took the opportunity to suck Sean’s thumb into his mouth and with the amazing blow job still so fresh in his memory it was enough to make Sean’s cock twitch in Viggo’s hand. “You know me, when it comes to sex I never think at all.”

The American snorted at that. With his left hand he reached for the lube again. He generously coated his cock, reveling in the feel of his own slippery touch. Then he gently pulled out his fingers, glad to hear Sean gasp in disappointment.

He grabbed one of he cushions and placed it underneath Sean's hips, wanting to make the Brit as comfortable as possible.

He was trembling a little when he lined himself up against Sean’s entrance and started to slowly push forward. A hiss that was clearly caused by pain, not pleasure, made him stop.

Leaning down, he rested his weight on his elbows, while gently caressing Sean’s face.

“Let me in, love. Shhh, relax. Relax,” Viggo whispered.

For a second, Sean was about to clench his teeth and tell Viggo to just get going. But there was something in the American's voice, something in his eyes... as their looks met, Sean could feel a tight knot uncoil deep inside of him.

He held Viggo’s gaze, drawing confidence and courage from his lover. Viggo could feel the tight muscle give a little, and then a little more. Slowly he pushed forward, entering Sean as gently as he could.

It was still painful, but as soon as the head of Viggo's hard cock had passed the barrier, the burning pain lessened to a dull ache. Sean's gulp for air sounded like a sob, but he still held Viggo's shoulders in a steel grip close to his body.

Viggo let out a long groan as he fully sheathed himself within the tight heat of his lover. His head dropped until his brow rested against Sean's collarbone. Both stayed perfectly still for several heartbeats.

You okay?” Viggo finally whispered.

“God, Viggo, I feel ... move, please,” Sean gasped. And he let out a loud groan as his request was granted. Viggo set a slow, languid rhythm. He raised his head again, so he could look into the Brit's eyes. They were dark and blazing with lust. For a second Viggo actually wished he had his camera within reach. He'd never seen Sean more beautiful. The thought that he actually was the first man  the blond had ever been with almost brought tears to his eyes.

“I can't believe... can't believe you ... really let me make love to you,” he rasped. For that was what he was doing and they both knew it. This was not just fucking, even if Sean had used the expression before.

“You talk too much,” the Brit chided, a tender smile on his lips.

So Viggo found other things to do with his mouth, softly biting and licking at the other man's neck. He was careful not to leave any marks. A Boromir sporting love bites would have been very hard to explain to Tolkien-fans, and even if the make-up girls were very good at their job, some things you just didn't want them to see.

Sean's hands left his lover's shoulders and glided down to the small of his back. Burying his fingers in the other man's flesh, he pulled the slightly lighter frame closer to his body.

“God, Vig...” he murmured, not able to put his feelings into words. He lost his ability to speak completely when Viggo changed the angle and thrust a little deeper and all of his senses went into overdrive.

Viggo fought hard not to be swept away by his own feelings. He wanted this first time to be perfect for Sean so he kept his attention focused on the Brit, searching for any sign of discomfort when he changed  the pace and force of his movements.

But although Sean felt a lot of different things at the moment, discomfort was not among them. His skin was prickling with the need to be touched, liquid fire was running through his veins, burning him from inside out. His hands were roaming sweat-slicked skin - Viggo’s, his own, he could no longer tell the difference. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he wanted more. More contact, more of that all consuming heat, more of everything.

Viggo knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Sean was simply too tight, too hot, too arousing to look at in his ecstasy; and he had been waiting for this for far too long. Somehow he managed to slip his hand between their bodies and wrapped his strong fingers around the Brit’s hard cock again. It only took half a dozen strokes or so before Sean came with a hoarse cry, taking Viggo over the edge with him.

When Viggo's vision cleared again, Sean lay with his eyes closed, motionless except for his harsh breathing. Please don't regret this now, Viggo thought with a fit of anxiety. Sean made a little noise when he gently pulled out, but didn't open his eyes. Thinking to allow the younger man a moment of privacy, Viggo slipped out of bed.

“Trying to sneak away?”

God, did the man know how sexy his voice was?

With a silent sigh of relief Viggo turned around and smiled at his lover. “I'll be right back,” he said and went into the adjoining bathroom. When he was washing his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror and grinned. He certainly looked like somebody who'd just had fantastic sex. He quickly cleaned himself, then soaked a small towel in warm water and took it back to the bedroom.

“Thought you might want to get rid of the mess we made,” he said, indicating the drying patch of semen on Sean's flat stomach.

“I've always found that good sex is a bit messy,” the blond answered with a grin, showing no intention of taking the towel from Viggo. So the American sat down on the bed next to his lover. He began cleaning the younger man, happy that Sean didn't shy away from the intimacy of the gesture.

“Bit lazy, aren't you?” he couldn't help teasing.

“Terribly,” Sean agreed, suppressing a wide yawn. With a low chuckle Viggo tossed the towel in the general direction of the bathroom door and lay down next to the Brit. Sean instantly snuggled closer, reminding Viggo more than ever of a cat who'd stolen the cream.

“So, how do you feel?” he asked, while nuzzling soft blond hair.

Cared for, safe, loved. “Great,” Sean answered, stretching comfortably. “A bit sore, but great,” he amended with a grin.

He curled around Viggo until he had managed full body contact from head to toe. Viggo grinned. Looks like I found myself a proud lion and a cuddly Abyssinian cat rolled into one. He burrowed his nose into Sean’s hair and inhaled his scent. I can live with that.

The End

genre:slash, rating:nc-17, actor:karl urban, actor:orlando bloom, fandom:lotr rpf, actor:viggo mortensen, actor:sean bean, type:fan fiction

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